white collar crime Here is Your Short Speech on White Collar Crime ! The concept of “white collar crime” found its place in criminology for the first time in 1941 when Sutherland published his research paper on white collar criminality in the American Sociological Review. He defined white co...
The concept of “whitecollarcrime” found its place in criminology for the first time in 1941 whenSutherlandpublished his research paper onwhitecollarcriminality in the American Sociological Review. He definedwhitecollarcrimeas a “crimecommitted by persons of respectability and high social status in ...
White & Case has successfully streamlined legal research, contract analysis, and due diligence processes. These advancements have resulted in faster turnaround times and cost savings for clients, demonstrating the firm's commitment to delivering high-quality legal services...
numerouscyber-crime,whitecollarandcounterterrorisminvestigations. E.J.hasbeencitedasanexpertinCyberandCounterterrorismbyRollingStone Magazine,TheWashingtonPost,WiredMagazine,TheFinancialTimes,TheWall StreetJournal,CNN,TheNYTimes,CNBC,TheBBC,MSNBC,TheHistoryChannel ...
The AI revolution extends across the spectrum of white-collar jobs. AI's footprint is evident in finance, healthcare, legal services and even creative industries. It is not only changing how tasks are performed but also raising fundamental questions about the future of work in these sectors....
The study of white-collar crime was born of selection bias. Sutherland argued that because the offenses of corporations and white-collar workers are not represented in the official statistics subject to criminological research, scholars misunderstand the nature, causes, and consequences of crime and ...
White-collar crime : an agenda for research Following an introductory overview of why the colloquium selected the topics presented in these papers, a paper discusses issues in determining the consequences of white-collar crime; attention is given to the kinds of data and substanti... H Edelhertz...
white collar crime Here is Your Short Speech onWhiteCollarCrime! The concept of “whitecollarcrime” found its place in criminology for the first time in 1941 when Sutherland published his research paper onwhitecollarcriminality in the American Sociological Review. He definedwhitecollarcrimeas a “...
4)A Probe into the Female White-Collar Crime白领女性犯罪初探 5)female leaders女性领导 1.Being influenced by the historic,cultural development and realistic system policy,in addition to the restriction of female physiological,psychological characteristics and ability factor,the female leaders,as a special...
3) The feminine white-collars'crime 白领女性犯罪 4) A Probe into the Female White-Collar Crime 白领女性犯罪初探 5) female leaders 女性领导 1. Being influenced by the historic,cultural development and realistic system policy,in addition to the restriction of female physiological,psychological characte...