We offer a full range of services to individuals and businesses. Find out how we can help you solve challenges and maximize opportunities. Find out more Get in touch Our website will give you a flavour of the advice we provide - if you would like to talk to us for more information, pl...
How Much Does It Cost to Hire a White Collar Crime Lawyer in the U.S.? The cost of hiring a white-collar crime attorney in the U.S. can vary widely based on the complexity of the case, the lawyer’s experience, and the geographical location. Some attorneys charge by the hour, with...
White-Collar Crime: An Opportunity Perspective analyzes white-collar crime within a coherent theoretical framework. Using the opportunity perspective, which assumes that all crimes depend on offenders recognizing an opportunity to commit an offense, the authors uncover the processes and situational condition...
Have you been charged with a federal white-collar crime? If so, you need a white-collar crime lawyer. The Zoukis Consulting Group can help.
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Some people don't think of white collar crime as real crime. The repercussions of this type of crime, however, can be devastating, and often surpass those of street crimes. This lesson will define white collar crime and discuss repercussions. ...
white collar crime [hwait ˈkɔlə kraim] 释义 [法] 白领犯罪 实用场景例句 全部 Corporate crime — committed by businesses — should not be confused with white - collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against a business....
Kirkland partners Brian Benczkowksi, John Lausch, Kim Nemirow and Sunil Shenoi authored the USA: Law & Practice chapter in the fourth edition of the Chambers and Partners White-Collar Crime Global Practice Guide. The Chambers and Partners White-Collar Crime Global Practice Guide compiles the ...
White-Collar Crime and Punishment - Corporate Codes and the Sarbanes-Oxley ACT 作者: Stolle, Ron 页数: 228定价: $ 125.43ISBN: 9783639078572豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介 ··· Reflecting public outrage over massive corporate scandals, Congress quickly...
Home»Services»Expert Services»Forensic Accounting & Investigations Expert Services»Regulatory Investigations & White-Collar Crime Wherever you operate in the world, our regulatory consulting experts arm you with the facts and insights to respond with confidence to regulatory scrutiny. ...