Have you been charged with a federal white-collar crime? If so, you need a white-collar crime lawyer. The Zoukis Consulting Group can help.
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As a private company, you need reliable, efficient service. As the only global law firm focused on private capital, we are here to help you protect your interests at every stage of the lifecycle.Find Out More How else can we help?
Kirkland partners Brian Benczkowksi, John Lausch, Kim Nemirow and Sunil Shenoi authored the USA: Law & Practice chapter in the fourth edition of the Chambers and Partners White-Collar Crime Global Practice Guide. The Chambers and Partners White-Collar Crime Global Practice Guide compiles the ...
White collar crime covers theft offenses, fraud charges, government investigations, computer crime, gambling crimes and civil suits. While we do not consider ourselves cheap attorneys, our fees are competitive because we are efficient. That is, we know how to get you the best possible result as...
White collar crime指想要通过非法手段获取金钱的人所犯的非暴力罪行。These crimes are usually committed by businesspeople and government professionals.通常情况下,犯下这些罪行的是商人和政府工作人员。Some examples of "white collar crimes" include fraud, bribery, insider trading in the stock market, and ...
Are you being investigated for a white collar crime in Los Angeles County? The experienced criminal defense team at Anthony M. Solis, A Professional Law Corporation, can help. Call 213-521-4241 today for a free initial consultation.
Attorney's Office, Wayne Gross, to offer seminars on white-collar crime for business in California. Gross anchors a white collar criminal defense practice seminar at Snell & Wilmer LLP. According to Gross, the seminars plan to teach local companies about white collar crime on how to prevent ...
Free Essays from Studymode | Here is Your Short Speech on White Collar Crime ! The concept of “white collar crime” found its place in criminology for the...
crimeethics in financelawlegal and politicalpunishmentThe article presents information on the nuisance created by the Herbert Smith brand pens while carrying them on flight. According to a Herbert Smith Asia partner related to Tulkinghorn, the Herbert Smith brand pens had exploded on him a few ...