White-Collar Man in a Blue-Collar World/蓝领世界中的白领 大学英语双语阅读对照读物《蓝领世界中的白领》当今激烈的社会竞争要求每个人都是多面手,即使那些曾被艳羡的白领阶层也不得不具有一些体力劳动所需要的特长了。BobMuldoon史淳新东方英语
White-collar jobs typically involve office or administrative work and often require a higher education level, focusing on mental tasks. Blue-collar jobs are generally manual labor roles in industries like manufacturing, construction, and maintenance.
When the company went bankrupt many white-collar workers found themselves looking for blue-collar jobs. Some popular folk songs reflect the aspirations and struggles of blue-collar workers. Feifei 在这里,要告诉大家的是,在日常生活对话中,除了 blue-collar worker、white-collar worker 以外,你可能还会听...
When the company went bankrupt many white-collar workers found themselves looking for blue-collar jobs. Some popular folk songs reflect the aspirations and struggles of blue-collar workers. Feifei:在这里,要告诉大家的是,在日常生活对话中,除了 blue-collar worker、white-collar worker 以外,你可能还会听...
adue to the high 由于上流[translate] ais then used to interpret IR data into precise distance 然后使用解释IR数据入精确距离[translate] aAnd are they durable 并且是他们耐久性[translate] awhite collar and blue collar suburban communities, 白领和蓝领工装的郊区社区,[translate]...
which is shifting away from labour intensive blue collar jobs to white collar jobs in the service sector that are heavily concentrated in the metro area. legco.gov.hk 全港發展策略確定,出現這 種不均衡的情況,是由於經濟結構轉型,從以勞力密集 的藍領工 作為 主,轉為以 從事服務行業的白領工作為主...
aWhite collar “白领”一词最早出现于20世纪20年代初,白领的隐喻是从传统的上班服装里白色领子而来,用以与蓝领区分,带有“白色领子是相当容易弄脏的,因此用白领代表他们工作不会容易弄脏领子”之意,主要指一类从事脑力劳动的人,工作地点多为办公室。white-collar crime白领犯罪,又称绅士犯罪、斯文犯罪。 White collar...
When the company went bankrupt many white-collar workers found themselves looking for blue-collar jobs. Some popular folk songs reflect the aspirations and struggles of blue-collar workers. Feifei 在这里,要告诉大家的是,在日常生活对话中,除了 blue-collar worker、white-collar worker 以外,你可能还会听...
A blue collar (worker)即“蓝领”(工人)。 例句:He is a white collar/a blue collar. 然而,我们学习和掌握英语,又绝对不是仅仅为了用中文知道某个英语单词的中文意思就算完事。 真正掌握英语还包括我们能用英语知道某个英语单词的英语意识是什么。
白领,蓝领(White / blue-collar worker)丨BBC听英语 中国日报网双语新闻_discard 2016-07-02 06:27 +订阅 内容简介 Callum 和菲菲在本期《地道英语》节目中给大家介绍几个和工作、职业有关的表达。这些表达都由一个颜色单词加上 collar 组成。你知道他们所指的具体意思吗?听节目。 文字稿 (关于台词的备注:...