Black Mirror Cracked All episodes IMDbProAll topics White Bear Podcast Episode 2018 34m YOUR RATING RateAdd a plot 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息 Add to WatchlistPhotos Add photoStoryline EditUser reviews Be the first to review Details Edit
1. The achromatic color of maximum lightness; the color of objects that reflect nearly all light of all visible wavelengths; the complement or antagonist of black, the other extreme of the neutral gray series. Although typically a response to maximum stimulation of the retina, the perception of...
The article relates the aims of punishment according to criminal theory – prevention, retribution and rehabilitation – with two images that appear in episode 2.2 'White Bear': the monster and its lynching.doi:info:doi/10.1386/ejpc.7.1.3_1Cigüela, Javier... The complete original score for director Carl Tibbetts’ WHITE BEAR - season 2, episode 2 of Charlie Brooker’s award-winning television drama series BLACK MIRROR. credits released March 4, 2013 Jon Opstad...
Now harmony need not bear any relation to pre-arranged as in the sense Leibniz gives of it and that Voltaire lampoons in Candide (1759) of this being the best of all possible worlds because of its pre-existing harmony, the pre-existing harmony of all of its instances being there by ...
Now harmony need not bear any relation to pre-arranged as in the sense Leibniz gives of it and that Voltaire lampoons in Candide (1759) of this being the best of all possible worlds because of its pre-existing harmony, the pre-existing harmony of all of its instances being there by ...
. It is very difficult to constantly be responsible for other people’s safety, particularly so when the germ-spreading mechanism is your own, unruly, body – and even more so when that body is often, recently, ill with a merry-go-round array of symptoms, some of which bear passing ...
Route 89 which takes you over a some hills to Bear Lake. There are a number of camp sites and hiking trails throughout the canyon. If I were to find myself in Logan for any significant amount of time I believe I would spend a lot of time here. J-rock with Charlene Jessie and I ...
the veracity of the tale is anybody's guess. its disillusionment, though, is real. most read reviews i love you, honeybear demos, etc. father john misty saya saya gray 1000 variations on the same song frog the most trusted voice in music © 2025 condé nast. all rights reserved. ...