Canaan Dog: Breed Guide, Info, Pictures & Care ByJordin Horn Budgett’s Frog (Lepidobatrachus Laevis): Info, Care Sheet, Lifespan, & Traits ByDean Eby We are here to help. Simply schedule an appointment by clicking on the button below. Click to Speak with a Vet 5.0...
Great algae eaters and little harm else wise. Best regards, Anthony>Starfish ID 8/23/05 Hi There: <G'morning> Just a quick question in hopes you can identify (photo attached) what is growing in my tank. We assume that they are baby starfish (there are about 5 that we've seen), ...
sterilizers are used in a wide variety of industries for sterilization, and in your saltwater aquarium they work wonders at controlling unwanted bacteria and protozoa at low flow rates, but at higher flow rates can help maintain free-floating algae which are a common cause of cloudy tank water...
This lighting system is perfect for those looking to create a bubble algae reef tank or maintain the salinity of a reef tank. It is also an excellent choice for those interested in the best autotop off reef tank, as it provides the necessary lighting for a healthy and vibrant marine ...
In the second chamber, you'll find room for multiple devices such as a skimmer, media reactor, or algae reactor. With a constant water level of approx. 8", it's ideal for most protein skimmers. The plumbing for all OPUS G2 aquariums is pre-assembled, meaning no PVC cutting or gluing...
7 Tiger Barb, 2 Cherry Barb, 3 Dalmatian Molly, 1 Black Molly, 5 Neon Tetra Jumbo, 3 shrimp, 3 cory, 3 algae eaters, 2 crabs, 2 ADF, mystery snail, Chinese snail.Corals/Plants: Moss ball, Bolbitis Root Tree Tank Size: 55 gallons ...
sterilizers are used in a wide variety of industries for sterilization, and in your saltwater aquarium they work wonders at controlling unwanted bacteria and protozoa at low flow rates, but at higher flow rates can help maintain free-floating algae which are a common cause of cloudy tank water...