(self.all_language_tokens, self.all_language_codes)) self.is_multilingual = int(meta["is_multilingual"]) == 1 def init_decoder(self, decoder: str): self.decoder = ort.InferenceSession( decoder, sess_options=self.session_opts, providers=[...
lang = detect(line)#检测语言 # For list of language codes, please refer to `https://ai.baidu.com/ai-doc/MT/4kqryjku9#语种列表` #需要翻译成什么语言。 from_lang = "en" #原语言,en是英文 to_lang = 'zh' # 目标语言,zh是中文 term_ids = '' # 术语库id,多个逗号隔开 # Build reques...
Unlike ChatGPT, it is not deployed in some websites as a speech-to-text API, as the authors just released the code and pre-trained language models that can be found here. Using the Whisper The fact that only the model's codes are shared publicly narrows down the possible users to ...
⚡ 一款用于自动语音识别 (ASR)、翻译的高性能异步 API。不需要购买Whisper API,使用本地运行的Whisper模型进行推理,并支持多GPU并发,针对分布式部署进行设计。还内置了包括TikTok、抖音等社交媒体平台的爬虫,可实现来自多个社交平台的无缝媒体处理,为媒体内容数据自
Automatic language detection is not implemented. In the current version there’s high latency for realtime audio capture. Specifically, depending on voice detection the figure is about 5-10 seconds. At least in my tests, the model wasn’t happy when I supplied too short pieces of the audio....
As with any AI-powered model, such asChatGPT, there are also legit concerns over the ethics of using Whisper. These concerns revolve around misuse, as someone could use Whisper to impersonate someone else. Moreover, since Whisper is ‘listening’ to users and collecting data, there is always...
MMS在语言识别( language identification (LID))任务测试结果 接下来,MetaAI训练了一个语言识别的模型,对比了业界的开源模型SpeechBrain和AmberLet: 可以看到,虽然MMS的模型效果不是最优的,但是它可识别的语言数量是其它模型的40倍。不过这也是因为在部分语言上的效果不太好拉低的。
We merge two language codes ``cmn'' and ``zho'' into a single code ``zho''. Table 1 [9] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] 3 3Resources 32, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43, 44, 52, 53, 54, 61, 63,...
Thestateof the Q flag cannot be tested directly by the condition codes. Toreadthestateof the Q > flag,usean`MRS`instruction.```assembly MRS r6, APSR TST r6, #(1<<27); Z is clear if Q flag was set Register Introduce# LR(Link Register) (R14)# ...
computationally unaware simulation. It means that the timer that counts the emission times "stops" when the model is computing. The chunk size is alwaysMIN_CHUNK_SIZE. The latency is caused only by the model being unable to confirm the output, e.g. because of language ambiguity etc., and ...