A word of caution Let me please remind you that my humble assessments of any spirits are done from the point of view of a malt whisky enthusiast who, what's more, is aboslutely not an expert in rum, brandy, tequila, vodka, gin or any other spirits. Thank you – and peace!
Tequila (1) Series Campari Cask Tales (3) Strength Less than 43% (296) 43% to 46% (9) Size Small Bottles (7) Standard Bottles (226) Large Bottles (72) Certification Certified B-Corp (3) Certified Organic (3) Certified Vegan (2) Vegan (6) Limited Edition Yes (1) Colouring...
However,whisky color can be deceiving because the addition of caramel coloring known as E150A– the same caramel coloring agent that is used in cola’s, sauces, seasonings etc. – is an approved substance in the making of Scotch whisky. While it’s a perfectly safe, neutral addition, there...
Single Malt: A-ZScotch Whisky Resources(138)Whisky News & Resources(200+) "Whisky is liquid sunshine."- George Bernard Shaw. "Too much of anything is bad, but too much of good whiskey is barely enough."- Mark Twain. "The water was not fit to drink. To make it palatable, we had ...
Dead Man's Fingers Tequila Raspberry Rum 50cl £10 £20 In stock Add to cartQuick view Save £9 Whitley Neill Mango & Lime Gin £19 £28 In stock Add to cartQuick view Save £10 Whitley Neill Blackberry Gin £19 £29 In stock Add to cartQuick view Save £9 Whitley ...
Notes of cola. With water: peppery, very smoky, with a fino-like character mixed with pine sap. Still quite unusual. Finish: long, salty, with amaretti, ashes, lemon liqueur, and lingering celeriac. Comments: it almost feels as if another peated Islay whisky had previously occupied this ...
The Smoky Cokey: Why You Should Drink This Scotch Whisky Highball, For Peat’s Sake - "A Smoky Cokey is essentially a highball made with Lagavulin (16 Year or 8 Year, your choice) and Coca-Cola." The untold history of black bourbon - "It's become undeniable that black people - once...
reviewed a variety of whiskies, gins, rums, Tequilas, mezcals, brandies, vodkas, wines, beers, and cocktails, and contributed all kinds of words in all sorts of places, including over 700 articles to its award-winning online blog, The Whisk(e)y Wash, and many of the handy guides you ...
The final swallow made me think of the taste left in your mouth when you have just vomited while drunk on tequila [EDITED BY MODERATOR]. All-in-all a shit whiskey, but improves greatly with the addition of coke and a handful of ice. ...
600 SOFT DRINK Coca-Cola / Coca-Cola Zero コカ・コーラ / コカ・コーラ ゼロ Ginger Ale ジンジャーエール Orange Juice オレンジジュース Grapefruit Juice グレープフルーツジュース COFFEE & TEA Coffee / Espresso コーヒー/エスプレッソ Café Latte / Cappuccino / Double Espresso ...