惠而浦Whirlpool MS873FP washing machine Manual说明书
All the people who are stating it’s the latch are correct, my whirlpool gold series washer started doing this and after pulling it apart I’ve come to the conclusion that what’s happening is the metal lock tab is wearing down the plastic latch in the door and it’s no longer able t...
Begin by turning the washer off first and then unplugging it. Leave it unplugged for one minute and then plug the lead back in. Next, open and close the washing machine lid lock six times in twelve seconds. When the machine is reset, you will hear a beep or see the control panel lig...
skillfully at once: (1) tensioning the wire with the pliers as handle, (2) strumming the wire to remove all slack and distribute the tension evenly along the serpentine path, (3) wrapping the wire around the screw, and (4) tightening the screw to lock the wire in place under tension....
Check that the lock is in the “off” setting. If it is not, you may need to reset the control console for your oven. You can do this, by pressing and holding the button down for three seconds. If you are not sure where the control lock for your oven is, check the owner’s man...