Just Dance Now【舞力全开手机版】 Watch me (Whip/Nae Nae) - Silentó发现《Watch Me (Whip / Nae Nae)》 游戏 音游 健身 just dance now 舞力全开 育碧游戏在此方 发消息 我要成为像榎本一样的男人!然后嫁一个英国庄园主(*ノωノ) 丨 佛系上传,全看近期沉迷啥 Just...
The dancers are all animals, each from a previous track in the Just Dance series. P1[]P1 is the lion from Copacabana. He wears blue overalls, red sneakers, a purple glove, and has a yellow shirt with black spots on it. P2[]
The Whip is a dance that exploded to viral popularity on the heels of pop-star Silentó's uploaded track, "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)." It has since taken on a life of its own, spreading from its pop music roots to other prominent areas, like...