While You Were Sleeping: Episodes 19-20 bygirlfriday This is a surprisingly feel-good hour, despite the number of times I cried. It’s one of those laugh-cry-laugh situations where you just feel all of the feelings and then it’s over, and you have no idea how you did so many emot...
While You Were Sleeping A young woman with precognitive dreams is haunted by the future she sees and cannot prevent. When a rookie prosecutor moves into her neighborhood, the two join forces with a policeman, and together the three try to prevent her ominous dreams from coming true. ...
While You Were Sleeping: Episodes 9-10by girlfridayNow there’s a girl who wears her crush on her face and doesn’t care who sees it. I’m mostly rooting for this romance because she’s so smitten, but once in a while, it’s nice to get some signals that she’s not in it ...