You will not believe how different two kids raised by the same two people can be, and you will start to realize that instead of busying yourself taking credit for this and blame for that, you can just sit back now again and soak up how incredible it is to be a part of growing and ...
I like to start off the new year with a word that defines how I want to approach it. Last year was all aboutSELF-CARE. After several years of learning how to build a business along with the stress of taking care of a partner with kidney failure, I thought it was high time that I ...
taking required wrote moved late i'll hundred except conditions complete support return th recent particular hours hour attention person nations live hope data st n dead coming beyond material else costs cold story heart forces fine feeling developed couldn't twenty report read lost inside wall son...
asserting that I was “fine!” I then accused the nurse of just wanting to get paid for taking them. In short order I was whisked to the so-called “purple pod” where the psych patients were buried for hours until the on-call psychiatrist deigned to come...