'<statementname>' 陳述式需要陣列 <type> '<methodname>' 與其他跨繼承階層架構的同名成員產生衝突,所以應該宣告為 'Shadows' <type> '<typename>' 遮蔽基底類別中可覆寫的方法 '<type>' 只能繼承一次 <type> 參數不可以宣告為 'Optional' <type> 參數不可以宣告為 'ParamArray' <type1> '<member...
“<statementname>”语句需要数组 <type>“<methodname>”与继承层次结构中的其他同名成员冲突,因此应声明为“Shadows” <type>“<typename>”隐藏基类中的可重写方法 “<type>”不能继承多次 <type> 参数不能声明为“Optional” <type> 参数不能声明为“ParamArray” <type1>“<membername>”与基类 <type3>“...
A Continue While statement can only appear within a For...Next loop.Error ID: BC30784To correct this errorIf the Continue While statement is in a Do...Loop loop, change the statement to Continue Do. If the Continue While statement is in a For...Next loop, change the statement to ...
是指在代码中无法找到while循环结构。while循环是一种常见的迭代结构,它会根据给定的条件重复执行一段代码块,直到条件不再满足为止。 在编程中,while循环通常由一个条件表达式和一段需要重复执行的代码块组成。每次循环开始时,会先判断条件表达式的值,如果为真,则执行代码块,然后再次判断条件表达式的值,以此类推。直到...
Following is the syntax for the VBA Do Loop While. Do: It is the starting keyword for the Do Loop While. Statement: It is the line(s) of the code that you want to run in the loop. Loop While: It’s the keyword to continue the loop and test the condition that you have specified...
So I've decomposited the statement to find out where problem is, so I have: Dim r1, r2 As Range Set r1 = Worksheets("S").Range(Cells(wstaty, 4), Cells(wstaty, 10)) Set r2 = Worksheets("B").Range(Cells(id, 13), Cells(id, 19)) ' <-- error here r1.Value = r2.Value...
“<statementname>”语句需要数组 <type>“<methodname>”与继承层次结构中的其他同名成员冲突,因此应声明为“Shadows” <type>“<typename>”隐藏基类中的可重写方法 “<type>”不能继承多次 <type> 参数不能声明为“Optional” <type> 参数不能声明为“ParamArray” <type1>“<membername>”与基类 <type3>“...
public IEnumerable<StatementSyntax> ConvertExit(VBasic.SyntaxKind vbBlockKeywordKind) { var scopesToExit = _hoistedNodesPerScope.Where(x => x.ExitableKind != VBasic.SyntaxKind.None).TakeWhile(x => x.ExitableKind != vbBlockKeywordKind && x.IsBreakableInCs).ToArray(); var assignmentExpr...
'Return' statement in a Function,Get,or Operator must return a value...Question "An error occurred during local reporting processing. Object reference not set to an instance of an object." "Define query parameters" popup in Dataset properties...