在读单个块的函数中, SD_ReadBlock 通过下面的代码实现数据传输,其中第4行调用了SD_DMA_RxConfig()。 1#elifdefined (SD_DMA_MODE)2SDIO_ITConfig(SDIO_IT_DATAEND, ENABLE);3SDIO_DMACmd(ENABLE);4SD_DMA_RxConfig((uint32_t *)readbuff, BlockSize); //读多个块第4行为 SD_DMA_RxConfig((uint32_...
STM32读写SD卡失败程序卡死在while 最近几天参照了野火的SD卡例程和官方提供的eval例程,sd卡初始化成功,但是读写不成功,调试后,程序卡死在while ((SD_DMAEndOfTransferStatus() == RESET yokoso 2018-08-30 09:44:31 如何去区分while与do while 的用法 如何去区分while 与do while 的用法。 2 方法 Do...
How to get remote desktop login failure history in windows How to get temperature status by wmic How to get the list of shutdown event with date? How to give access to a built-in account on another machine. How to Give Admin permission in user or OU How to grant network access to Loc...
Physical Volume (PV):physical storage device. It can be a hard disk, an SD card, a floppy disk, etc. This device provides us with storage available to use. Volume Group (VG):to use the space provided by a PV, it must be allocated in a volume group. It is like a virtual storage...
{'session': <Session session exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=0 testscollected=16>} notincall = set() def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if args: raise TypeError("hook calling supports only keyword arguments") assert not self.is_historic() if self.spec and self.spec....
failed to transfer the operations master role Failing Services test - RpcSs WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, expected WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS Failure to join the domain with the error Fatal Error:DsGetDcName (servername) call failed, error 1355 The Locator could not find the server. Federation server proxy coul...
myCAM.get_bit(ARDUCHIP_TRIG , CAP_DONE_MASK)); Serial.println("Capture Done!"); //Construct a file name k = k + 1; itoa(k, str, 10); strcat(str, ".jpg"); //Open the new file file = SD.open(str, O_WRITE | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC); if(! file){ Serial.println("open ...
Can't get RoboCopy to run as a batch file Can't login in Windows with cached user credentials Can't Login to Server; 4625 Audit Failure status 0xc0000413 Can't ping FQDN unless I do ipconfig /registerdns can't resolve internal DNS names Can't see the (Routing and Remote Access) in ...
Can't get RoboCopy to run as a batch file Can't login in Windows with cached user credentials Can't Login to Server; 4625 Audit Failure status 0xc0000413 Can't ping FQDN unless I do ipconfig /registerdns can't resolve internal DNS names Can't see the (Routing and Remote Access) in ...
Can't get RoboCopy to run as a batch file Can't login in Windows with cached user credentials Can't Login to Server; 4625 Audit Failure status 0xc0000413 Can't ping FQDN unless I do ipconfig /registerdns can't resolve internal DNS names Can't see the (Routing and Remote Access) in ...