postgre exception while reading from streampostgre exception while reading from stream 从流读取时发生postgre异常 重点词汇 exception例外;规则的例外;一般情况以外的人;例外的事物 reading阅读;读数;理解;宣读;读物;阅读材料;读本;读书会;读书活动;议案宣读;《圣经》章节;读;读到;朗读;读懂;识字;查阅到; read的...
工作时遇到查询数仓总是报错Eceptioxn while reading from stream,如下图所示: 查询及推测异常进程: 1、刚开始以为时查询数据时间过长导致数据库连接Kill掉,通过把超时时间设置加长还是无法解决问题,后来推测是ORM框架导致,Nuget包有原来的SqlBuilderCore改为了SqlSugarCore。 2、切换ORM框架后继续进行测试,还是会偶尔...
每天凌晨有一个定时任务会定时执行这条语句,平时10s左右执行成功。查看日志发现,当时间超过5min时,会提示该异常信息。收藏 热忱回答(2)fate sta VIP0 2022/12/12 db.CopyNew().Queryable<T> 可以解决线程安全问题,保证你代码DB合理使用 0 回复 ysj VIP0 2022/12/12 @fate sta:谢谢,我试一下 0...
Npgsql.NpgsqlException occurred HResult=-2147467259 Message=Exception while reading from stream Source=npgsql ErrorCode=-2147467259 StackTrace: at Npgsql.ReadBuffer.Ensure(Int32 count, Boolean dontBreakOnTimeouts) at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnector.DoReadMessage(DataRowLoadingMode dataRowLoadingMode, Boolean isPrepend...
Npgsql.NpgsqlException (0x80004005): Exception while reading from stream ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed...
failed (13: Permission denied) while reading 原因 当代理文件大小超过配置的proxy_temp_file_write_size值时,nginx会将文件写入到临时目录下(默认为/proxy_temp)。 如果nginx对/proxy_temp没有权限,就写不进去。 网上有两种解决方案 是修改proxy_temp文件夹权限 ...
Hello, I am getting this error with PGSQL Message: Exception while reading from a stream. Inner Exception: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because th...
I am reading csv contents from server. I have used this code before for posting and getting XML response from server. I also found the same problem with a guy that this exception occur while reading the last line. Please help me what is getting wrong with my code and suggest some pointer...
完形填空While reading the New York Times today, I came across a story title d "Free Sweets in His Cab to Delight an d Heal".Mansoor Khalid, a 37-year-ol d electrical engineer from Pakistan has been driving a 41 cab in New York City since 1996. In 2010, his son, Saad, was born ...
应对上述情况有一个非常简便的lines方法,可以返回Stream类型。但是如果一个字符一个字符地读取呢?InputStream类没有返回Stream<Character>的方法。我们必须创建自己的Stream:InputStream is = LoopElimination.class.getResourceAsStream("/testfile.txt");// while loop with clumsy looking syntax int c;while((c ...