03:01 #14.Loop in C++(do while and for) 2020-02-12 03:20 #13.Loop in C++(while loop) 2020-02-12 05:58 #12.Functions in C++(part-2) 2020-02-12 04:32 #11.Functions in C++(part-1) 2020-02-12 03:18 #9.If Else 2020-02-12 03:56 #10.Else If Ladder in C++ 2020-02-...
It is an entry-controlled loop. The while loop in C is used when we don’t know the number of iterations.while loop Flowchart Syntax while(test condition){ //code to be executed } If the test condition inside the () becomes true, the body of the loop executes else loop terminates...
Do While Loop in C A do while loop is a type of loop that runs a set of instructions until a specified condition is met. The do while loop is similar to the while loop, except that the do while loop will always run the code at least once before checking the condition. ...
In some situations it is necessary to execute body of the loop once before testing the condition. Such situations can be handled with the help ofdo-whileloop. Thedostatement evaluates the body of the loop first and at the end, the condition is checked usingwhilestatement. It means that the ...
do { // body of do while loop } while (test-expression); How do...while loop works? The body of do...while loop is executed at first. Then thetest-expressionis evaluated. If thetest-expressionistrue, the body of loop is executed. ...
int i = 0;do { cout << i << "\n"; i++;}while (i < 5); Try it Yourself » Do not forget to increase the variable used in the condition, otherwise the loop will never end!Exercise? What is a key difference between a do/while loop and a while loop? A do/while loop wi...
Loops are used in programming to execute a block of code repeatedly until a specified condition is met. In this tutorial, you will learn to create while and do...while loop in C programming with the help of examples.
解析 不一样!前者是在满足while的条件后执行do后的语句,不满足则跳出循环;后者是满足while后的条件后再次执行循环内容.简单来说,后者至少都会执行循环内容一次,而前者可能一次都不会执行.举个例子吧:(1)Dim I As Intege...结果一 题目 VB中的do while……loop 和do……loop while语句是一样的吗 答案 不一...
The syntax of a do...while loop in C++ is −do { statement(s); } while( condition ); Notice that the conditional expression appears at the end of the loop, so the statement(s) in the loop execute once before the condition is tested....