The While Loop Thewhileloop loops through a block of code as long as a specified condition is true. Syntax while(condition) { // code block to be executed } Example In the following example, the code in the loop will run, over and over again, as long as a variable (i) is less th...
JavaScript while Loop The while loop repeatedly executes a block of code as long as a specified condition is true. The syntax of the while loop is: while (condition) { // body of loop } Here, The while loop first evaluates the condition inside ( ). If the condition evaluates to true,...
An example of awhileloop in action would be asking a user for input again and again until they provide a valid input. WHILE Loop Syntax The syntax for the while loop is very straight forward. You'll need to be sure to use thewhilekeyword as well as defining the condition with which th...
Theforstatement in JavaScript has the samesyntaxas in Java and C. It has three parts: Initialization- Initializes the iterator variablei. In this example, we initializeito 0. Condition- As long as the condition is met, the loop continues to execute. In this example, we check thatiis less...
In JavaScript do while loop executes a statement block once and then repeats the execution until a specified condition evaluates to false. Syntax do { statement block } while (condition); In while loop, the given condition is tested at the beginning, i.e. before executing any of the statemen...
The JavaScript While Loop Tutorial Syntax do{ code block to be executed } while(condition); Parameters ParameterDescription conditionRequired. The condition for running the code block. Iftrue, the loop will start over again, otherwise it ends. ...
In this tutorial, you'll learn about indefinite iteration using the Python while loop. You’ll be able to construct basic and complex while loops, interrupt loop execution with break and continue, use the else clause with a while loop, and deal with infi
In the above example, we have used awhileloop to print the numbers from1to3. The loop runs as long as the conditionnumber <= 3isTrue. while Loop Syntax whilecondition:# body of while loop Here, Thewhileloop evaluatescondition, which is a boolean expression. ...
The syntax of thewhilecommand is: while 命令的语法是: 代码语言:javascript 复制 whilecommands;docommands;done Likeif,whileevaluates the exit status of a list of commands. As long as the exit statusis zero, it performs the commands inside the loop. In the script above, the variablecountis cre...
There is no do-while loop in Go. Syntax forbooleanExpression {//do something} Notes Because the boolean expression is evaluated before each iteration, the block of code executes ONLY if the booleanExpression evaluates to true. booleanExpression results in either a true or false output. It is ...