Thecondition-expressionmust be aboolean expressionand the statements can be one simple statement or a block of multiple statements. Every time thecondition-expressionevaluates totrue, statement(s) block is executed. Thewhilestatement continues testing thecondition-expressionin loop and executing the block...
=0){num = num / 10;length++;}System.out.println("您输入的数值的长度是"+length+"位数");}}I、语法结构 while(expression){ //loop-statement;} II、执行流程 判定表达式的结果 如果结果时true则执行循环体一次 ,继续判定 直到循环条件(表达式)的结果时false,则终止整个while循环最开始表达式的...
In this tutorial, we’ll cover the four types of loops in Java: the for loop, enhanced for loop (for-each), while loop and do-while loop. We’ll also cover loop control flow concepts with nested loops, labeled loops, break statement, continue statement, return statement and local ...
even though condition expression returns false. Otherwise, it’s always better to use a while loop. Java while loop looks cleaner than a do-while loop. That’s all for java do while loop. You should also look intoandjava continue statement. Reference:...
While Loop The second basic type of loop in Java that I will discuss is the "while loop". A while loop is actually just a conditional that repeats itself as long as the condition stays true. It looks a lot like an if statement. Here take a look: ...
javawhiledo循环java里while循环语法 while循环while是最基本的循环,它的结构为:while(){ //循环内容}只要布尔表达式为 true,循环就会一直执行下去。 对于while语句而言,如果不满足条件,则不能进入循环。但有时候我们需要即使不满足条件,也至少执行一次。do…while循环和while循环相似,不同的是,do…while循环至少会执...
Java Flow Control Java if...else Statement Java Ternary Operator Java for Loop Java for-each Loop Java while and do...while Loop Java break Statement Java continue Statement Java switch Statement Java Arrays Java Arrays Java Multidimensional Arrays Java Copy Arrays Java OOP(I) Java Class and ...
In this article, we will understand the while loop in C programming language. Let us suppose you want to execute a block of statement 5 times. There is one approach using goto statement as shown below. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i=0; clrscr(); label1: ...
While Loops in LabVIEW A While Loop is a structure you use to execute a block of LabVIEW code repeatedly until a given condition is met. When the VI runs, the code inside the While Loop executes, and then the terminal condition is evaluated. The While Loop will be a familiar concept ...
If you have read the previous chapter, about the for loop, you will discover that a while loop is much the same as a for loop, with statement 1 and statement 3 omitted. The loop in this example uses aforloop to collect the car names from the cars array: ...