while迴圈是你編寫程式語言的得力助手,有了while迴圈你可以讓Python依照你設定的條件執行指定的事。 對初學者而言,while迴圈可能不是很好懂的語法,透過實作練習觀念才會慢慢融會貫通,如果想透由小型專題練習,熟悉Python while 迴圈,推薦使用《Python 自動化的樂趣(第2版)》,在學習如何設計猜數字、剪刀石頭布的遊戲...
Python 认知 while loop create awhileloop that prints out all the number from 1 to 10 squared(1,4,9,…,100),each on their own line. num = 1 while num <= 10: print num ** 2 num += 1 在第一节,说不要弄丢 或者 移动 count += 1 ,否则这个loop会是无限循环,使你的电脑或者流览器...
/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-my_age= 28count=0whilecount < 3: user_input= int(input("input your guess num:"))ifuser_input ==my_age:print("Congratulations, you got it !")breakelifuser_input <my_age:print("Oops,think bigger!")else:print("think smaller!") count+=...
More on Python while Loop Pythonwhileloop withbreakstatement We can use abreak statementinside awhileloop to terminate the loop immediately without checking the test condition. For example, whileTrue: user_input =input('Enter your name: ')# terminate the loop when user enters endifuser_input =...
只要给定的条件为真,Python编程语言中的while循环语句就会重复执行目标语句。 while loop - 语法 Python编程语言中while循环的语法是- while expression: statement(s) 1. 2. while loop - 流程图 在这里,while循环的关键点是循环可能永远不会运行。当测试条件并且输出为false时,将跳过循环体,并执行while循环后的第...
Iterate String using while loop Iterate a List using while loop Next Steps What is a while loop in Python? InPython, The while loop statement repeatedly executes a code block while a particular condition is true. count =1# condition: Run loop till count is less than 3whilecount <3: ...
The basic loop structure in Python is while loop. Here is the syntax.Syntax:while (expression) : statement_1 statement_2 ...The while loop runs as long as the expression (condition) evaluates to True and execute the program block. The condition is checked every time at the beginning of...
译自How (and When) to Use a Python While Loop,作者 Jack Wallen。 While 循环是编程的一个基本要素。While循环所做的是继续执行一条语句(或一组语句),直到满足特定条件。一个显而易见的例子(许多人都会理解)可能是这样的:只要我的银行账户有钱,我就可以买东西。
ExampleGet your own Python Server Print i as long as i is less than 6: i =1 whilei <6: print(i) i +=1 Try it Yourself » Note:remember to increment i, or else the loop will continue forever. Thewhileloop requires relevant variables to be ready, in this example we need to def...
Python for loop and while loop #!pyton2#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-forletterin"Python":print"Current letter is:",letter fruits=["apple","mango","pear"]forfruitinfruits:printfruitforindexinrange(len(fruits)):printfruits[index]>python2 test.py...