JavaScript While Loop Loops can execute a block of code as long as a specified condition is true. The While Loop Thewhileloop loops through a block of code as long as a specified condition is true. Syntax while(condition) { // code block to be executed...
Flowchart of JavaScript while loop Example 1: Display Numbers From 1 to 3 // initialize variable i let i = 1; // loop runs until i is less than 4 while (i < 4) { console.log(i); i += 1; } Run Code Output 1 2 3 Here is how the above program works in each iteration ...
vari;for(i=0;i<3;i=i+1){console.log(i);}// This will print out the following: 0 1 2/*We can also write a shorter notation for the statement by inserting thevariable definition inside the for loop and incrementing using the ++ operator.*/for(vari=0;i<3;i++){console.log(i);...
JavaScript 只要指定条件为 true,循环就可以一直执行代码块。 while 循环 while 循环会在指定条件为真时循环执行代码块。 语法 while (条件) { 需要执行的代码 } 实例 本例中的循环将继续运行,只要变量 i 小于 5: 实例 while(i<5){x=x+"The number is"+i+"";i++;} 尝试一下 » 如果您忘记增加条件...
JavaScript while 循环 只要指定条件为 true,循环就可以一直执行代码块。while 循环while 循环会在指定条件为真时循环执行代码块。语法while (条件) { 需要执行的代码 }实例本例中的循环将继续运行,只要变量 i 小于 5:实例 while (i<5) { x=x + "The number is " + i + ""; i++; } 尝试一下 »...
In JavaScript do while loop executes a statement block once and then repeats the execution until a specified condition evaluates to false. Syntax do { statement block } while (condition); In while loop, the given condition is tested at the beginning, i.e. before executing any of the statemen...
只要指定条件为 true,循环就可以一直执行代码。 while 循环 While 循环会在指定条件为真时循环执行代码块。 语法 while (条件) { 需要执行的代码 } 实例 本例中的循环将继续运行,只要变量 i 小于 5: while (i<5) { x=x + "The number is " + i + ""; i++;...
Iftrue, the loop will start over again, otherwise it ends. JavaScript Loop Statements StatementDescription breakBreaks out of a loop continueSkips a value in a loop whileLoops a code block while a condition is true do...whileLoops a code block once, and then while a condition is true ...
代码语言:javascript 复制 whilecommands;docommands;done Likeif,whileevaluates the exit status of a list of commands. As long as the exit statusis zero, it performs the commands inside the loop. In the script above, the variablecountis created and assigned an initial value of 1. Thewhilecommand...
Run JavaScript code from Python (EOL: - doloopwhile/PyExecJS