num =int(input("Enter your favorite integer: "))exceptValueError:print("Please enter a valid integer")continueelse:print(f'You entered:{num}')breakprint(num)ifnum >100:print('The provided number is greater than 100')elifnum ==100:print('The provided number is equal to 100')else:print(...
解决While loop问题 - Python 当我们在使用 while 循环时,需要确保循环的终止条件最终会被满足,否则循环将会无限执行下去。通常情况下,我们可以在循环内部修改循环控制变量,使得终止条件得以满足。 1、问题背景 一位开发者在使用 Python 开发一个基于文本的游戏时,遇到了 while 循环的问题。他将游戏代码和音频处理代码...
In this tutorial, you'll learn about indefinite iteration using the Python while loop. You’ll be able to construct basic and complex while loops, interrupt loop execution with break and continue, use the else clause with a while loop, and deal with infi
while迴圈是你編寫程式語言的得力助手,有了while迴圈你可以讓Python依照你設定的條件執行指定的事。 對初學者而言,while迴圈可能不是很好懂的語法,透過實作練習觀念才會慢慢融會貫通,如果想透由小型專題練習,熟悉Python while 迴圈,推薦使用《Python 自動化的樂趣(第2版)》,在學習如何設計猜數字、剪刀石頭布的遊戲...
The basic loop structure in Python is while loop. Here is the syntax.Syntax:while (expression) : statement_1 statement_2 ...The while loop runs as long as the expression (condition) evaluates to True and execute the program block. The condition is checked every time at the beginning of...
# python example of to print tables count = 1 num = 0 choice = 0 while True: # input the number num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) # break if num is 0 if num == 0: break # terminates inner loop # print the table count = 1 while count <= 10: print(num * count) ...
we are all set to move ahead to the next and probably the only other important loop in Python:python while loop. Since this is also a loop, the work needs no introduction in this post. If you are unaware, I highly recommend going through thepython "for" loopsand brief yourselves with ...
译自How (and When) to Use a Python While Loop,作者 Jack Wallen。 While 循环是编程的一个基本要素。While循环所做的是继续执行一条语句(或一组语句),直到满足特定条件。一个显而易见的例子(许多人都会理解)可能是这样的:只要我的银行账户有钱,我就可以买东西。
ExampleGet your own Python Server Print i as long as i is less than 6: i =1 whilei <6: print(i) i +=1 Try it Yourself » Note:remember to increment i, or else the loop will continue forever. Thewhileloop requires relevant variables to be ready, in this example we need to def...
python 编程中 while 语句用于循环执行程序,即在某条件下,循环执行某段程序,以处理需要重复处理的相同...