Shell scripting, specifically Bash scripting, is a great way to automate repetitive or tedious tasks on your systems. Why type when you can schedule and run scripts in a hands-free manner? One of the many scripting constructs is the loop. A loop is a section of code that picks up data ...
Purpose breakexits from afor,select,while, oruntilloop in a shell script. Ifnumberis given,breakexits from the given number of enclosing loops. The default value ofnumberis1. Usage Notes This is a special built-in command of the shell. Exit Values breakalways exits with an exit statu...
i=0j=0#outer loopforloopin$APPSdoi=`expr$i +1` #inner loopforloop2in$SCRIPTSdoj=`expr$i +1`echo"system $loop now running $loop2 at $MY_DATE"echo"inner loop counter=$j"doneecho"outer loop counter=$i"doneecho$params deyuy/bin/my_shell >> ./for6.shsystem/apps/accts now runnin...
3、/etc/rc.d/rc3.d目录下分别有多个以K开头和以S开头的文件;分别读取每个文件,以K开头的输出为文件加stop,以S开头的输出为文件名加start,如K34filename stop S66filename start for files in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/[KS]* ;do if [ `basename $files|cut -c1` == "K" ] ;then echo "$files stop...
Linux Shell中的循环控制语句 在编写Shell脚本时,循环是一种常用的控制结构,用于重复执行一系列命令。在...
Execute Multiple Powershell Scripts Simultaneously Execute script against multiple servers in parallel Execute SOAP in Powershell ExecuteNonQuery with Connection and Command, or to a Server and DB SMO Object (Best Practice?) Executing .vbs file at remote server via powershell Executing a script with...
在消除while loop命令中的延迟方面,可以采取以下几种方法: 1. 使用sleep命令:在while循环的每次迭代之间插入一个sleep命令,可以指定等待的时间,以减少循环的频率。例如,使用s...
…While…Loopseemed easier and more flexible. I looked and cannot find an example of how to useDo…While…Loopin Windows PowerShell. I can find theForEachstatement, but not theDo…While…Loop. It will be a bear if I have to switch over and completely change the way I write...
count +=1print("Loop finished!")# Current count: 0# Current count: 1# Current count: 2# Current count: 3# Current count: 4# Loop finished! 【2】案例 # 设定好用户年龄,用户通过输入猜测的年龄进行匹配# 最大尝试次数:用户最多尝试猜测3次# 最大尝试次数后:如3次后,问用户是否还想继续玩##...
Loong:/home/yee/shell# 2、function function 也是拥有内建变量的~他的内建变量与 shell script 很类似, 函数名称代表示 $0 ,而后续接的变量也是以 $1, $2... 来取代的~ 这里很容易搞错喔~因为『 function fname() { 程序段 } 』内的 $0, $1... 等等与 shell script 的 $0 是不同的。以上面...