方法/步骤 1 do loop相关的循环方法包括三种:a. do...loopb. do while...loopc. do until...loop本文将通过两种循环方法,对Excel数据进行整理,即do while...loop、do until...loop。2 第一种方法do while...loop:while:类型if语句,当满则某个条件时才进行循环操作。do while...loop 3 功能要求...
方法/步骤 1 ExcelVBA do while loop循环的用法上次分享了VB中for循环的用法,这次给大家分享do while loop 的用法。2 Sub aaa()dim aDo While a < 900。。。中间加代码。。。 LoopEnd Sub当a小于900的时候,loop以内的代码循环。3 这里就多分享几个实例给大家,都是我刚学的时候写的东西。现在工作用得...
【ExcelVBA】Do...untilDo...whileloop Do Until/while适⽤于不知道要loop多少次的情况 1. Do until Sub Simple_Do_Until_V1()StartCell = 8 Do Until Range("A" & StartCell).Value = ""Range("B" & StartCell).Value = Range("A" & StartCell).Value + 10 StartCell = StartCell + 1 ...
Loop While: It’s the keyword to continue the loop and test the condition that you have specified. Condition: it is the condition that you want to test before the loop starts its second iteration and carries on the loop. As you can see in the syntax of Do Loop While, it will first ...
2)WHILE循环结构分为2大类语法,一种是「WHILE…END」,另一种是「DO WHILE…LOOP」。 好了,这个懒人智能循环结构,你学会了吗? 参考资料:科普中国专家猴子作品合集 《Excel数据分析和数据思维》视频 《Power BI数据分析》视频 《SQL从入门到进阶》视频
After writing this code, close the window (visual basic editor) by clicking on the upper right cross button. The result This is the result. You have now successfully used a do while loop. Related posts: How to Insert Checkbox in Excel How to Create Vba Function in Excel...
s = s + n要在循环内。请看看我的:Sub Macro1()Dim i As Integer, n As Integer, s As Integers = 0n = 0i = 4Do While i < 105 Do While s < Cells(i, 2) n = n + 1 s = s + n Loop Cells(i, 3) = s i = i + 1LoopEnd SubC列 是输出...
Hi,I am running a macro which contains the continuous loop inside the macro, while running it existing opened excel sheets are hanging and even if i open new sheet observed the same problem.Even i could not succeeded after I use below statements. Thanks in advace for your help....