while(condition) { // code block to be executed } Example In the following example, the code in the loop will run, over and over again, as long as a variable (i) is less than 10: Example while(i <10) { text +="The number is "+ i; ...
Flowchart of JavaScript while loop Example 1: Display Numbers From 1 to 3 // initialize variable i let i = 1; // loop runs until i is less than 4 while (i < 4) { console.log(i); i += 1; } Run Code Output 1 2 3 Here is how the above program works in each iteration ...
While Loop TheJavaScript while loopconsists of a condition and the statement block. while (condition) {...statements...} The condition is evaluated. If the condition is true the statements are evaluated. If the statement is false we exit from the while loop. ...
在JavaScript中,没有直接的方式来延迟While循环。While循环是一种基于条件的循环结构,它会在条件为真时重复执行一段代码块。延迟执行循环的目的通常是为了避免阻塞主线程,以便其他操作可以继续进行。 一种常见的延迟执行While循环的方法是使用递归和setTimeout函数。递归是一种函数调用自身的技术,而setTimeout函数可以用来...
Rust基础语法(条件控制语句if、loop、while、for) if表达式 if 表达式允许根据条件执行不同的代码分支。你提供一个条件并表示 “如果条件满足,运行这段代码;如果条件不满足,不运行这段代码。” 无返回值执行: 代码语言:javascript 复制 fnmain(){letnumber=6;ifnumber<10{println!("condition was true");}else{...
Theforstatement in JavaScript has the samesyntaxas in Java and C. It has three parts: Initialization- Initializes the iterator variablei. In this example, we initializeito 0. Condition- As long as the condition is met, the loop continues to execute. In this example, we check thatiis less...
Let me start by addressing the only real “con” to thewhileloop. It can run forever! If you're in a situation where your while loop keeps looping to infinity, then your program is stuck (or frozen) and you'll need to shut down your browser to terminate the running JavaScript program...
The following example prints the text "We loop a while...". Each repetition of the loop tests the condition "is count less than 5." While the condition remains true, the actions in the expression body are executed. After the condition is no longer true, the while loop stops and the ...
for each...in[2] (已废弃,不述) for await...in[3](异步,暂不述) ▉while[4] 语法: while (condition) statement 条件为真时执行语句,如此往复,直到条件为假。 多行语句可以用大括号包裹。 ▉do...while[5] 语法: do statementwhile (condition); 先执行一次,条件为真时重复执行,直到条件为假。
In this unit, you want to allow a user to enter a list of planet names. Unfortunately, you don't know how many names the user enters. To support looping an unknown number of times, you can use a while loop.A while loop performs an operation while a certain condition is true. You ...