The syntax of a while loop is similar to that of an if statement. You provide both a condition and the code you want to run while the condition is true.A while loop has three important parts:The keyword while, followed by a space. The condition you test. If the condition is true, ...
I use the while loop when I don't know the number of iterations and the for loop when I know the number of iterations. While loop general syntax: while(<condition>) { <block of code> } For loop general syntax: for(<initialization><condition><increment/decrememt>) { <block of code>...
The following is the syntax of For..Next loop. For counter = start to end [Step step]statement…Next ItemDescription counter The variable is used as a counter for the number of iterations of the For Loop. start The initial value of the counter. end The last number of the counter at ...
The for loop and while loop are two different approaches to executing the loop statements in python. They both serve the same functionality of looping over a python code till a condition is being fulfilled. For loops and while loops differ in their syntax. In while loops, we have to mention...
forloop whileloop do...whileloop In the previous tutorial, we learned about theC++ for loop. Here, we are going to learn aboutwhileanddo...whileloops. C++ while Loop The syntax of thewhileloop is: while(condition) {// body of the loop} ...
Python for loop and while loop #!pyton2#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-forletterin"Python":print"Current letter is:",letter fruits=["apple","mango","pear"]forfruitinfruits:printfruitforindexinrange(len(fruits)):printfruits[index]>python2
Syntax: foreach ($array as $value) { // code to be executed } Example Output Samsung OnePlus Xiaomi Apple PHP While Loop The While loop is another way to execute tasks multiple times, just like for loop, but for loop is a bit more structured and rigid than while loop. You can choose...
for loop while loop do while loop for loop in C A for loop is a control structure that enables a set of instructions to get executed for a specified number of iterations. It is an entry-controlled loop. for loop FlowchartSyntax for(initialization; test condition; update expression){ //code...
// while loop with clumsy looking syntaxString line;while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {System.out.println(line);}reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(LoopElimination.class.getResourceAsStream("/testfile.txt")));// less clumsy syntaxreader.lines().forEach(l ->System....
In the above example, we have used awhileloop to print the numbers from1to3. The loop runs as long as the conditionnumber <= 3isTrue. while Loop Syntax whilecondition:# body of while loop Here, Thewhileloop evaluatescondition, which is a boolean expression. ...