2)WHILE循环结构分为2大类语法,一种是「WHILE…END」,另一种是「DO WHILE…LOOP」。 好了,这个懒人智能循环结构,你学会了吗? 参考资料:科普中国专家猴子作品合集 《Excel数据分析和数据思维》视频 《Power BI数据分析》视频 《SQL从入门到进阶》视频 《Python数据分析从入门到进阶》视频编辑...
C# Do While Loop ADo Whileloop in C# is similar to aWhileloop, except the code in the loop's code block will always execute at least once. This is because the evaluation to determine whether to continue looping is done after the loop has executed instead of before. do{ Console.WriteLine...
A. do while …loop循环和do…loop while循环至少都执行一次 B. do while …loop循环可能不执行,do…loop while循环至少执行一次 C. do while …loop循环至少执行一次,do…loop while循环可能不执行 D. do while …loop循环和do…loop while循环可能都不执行 ...
while循环和do...while循环的区别是___。The different between while loop and do-while loop is:A.没有区别,这两个结构任何情况下效果一样There is no difference, they are the same.B.while循环比do…while循环执行效率高While is more efficient than do-while.C.
do { // codes inside body of do while loop } while (testExpression); How do...while loop works? The codes inside the body ofdoconstruct is executed once (without checking thetestExpression). Then, the test expression is checked.
解析 不一样!前者是在满足while的条件后执行do后的语句,不满足则跳出循环;后者是满足while后的条件后再次执行循环内容.简单来说,后者至少都会执行循环内容一次,而前者可能一次都不会执行.举个例子吧:(1)Dim I As Intege...结果一 题目 VB中的do while……loop 和do……loop while语句是一样的吗 答案 不一...
For loop, while loop and do-while loop
Do 做,While 当……时,Loop 循环,Until 直到……时。所以:Do While...Loop:当……时候做XX且循环(先判断条件是否满足,若【满足】,则进入循环,即可能不进入循环)Do...Loop While:做XX且循环,当……时候(先进入循环执行,然后判断条件是否满足,若【满足】,则进入下一次的循环,即循环...
03:01 #14.Loop in C++(do while and for) 2020-02-12 03:20 #13.Loop in C++(while loop) 2020-02-12 05:58 #12.Functions in C++(part-2) 2020-02-12 04:32 #11.Functions in C++(part-1) 2020-02-12 03:18 #9.If Else 2020-02-12 03:56 #10.Else If Ladder in C++ 2020-02-...
Extensive tutorial about Java for loop, enhanced for loop (for-each), while loop and do-while loop. Also covers nested loops, labeled loops, break statement, continue statement, return statement, local variable scope, common loop exceptions like infinite