Example 1: Infinite While loop in a shell script An infinite While loop means your script will run the loop commands non-stop. Infinite While loops never stop running and this occurs when the condition always turns out to be “True.” You can create an infinite While loop with the followin...
WHILE loop - read line of a file one by one, I'm using a "while" loop within a shell script (BASH) to read line of a file (one by one) -- "Fortunately", its not working the No. of times the file has lines in it. Here's the summary: $ cat inputfile.txt Utilizing For L...
Explanation of the above shell script The true keyword turns the while loop into an infinite loop sincethe exit statusor condition to be checked by the while loop will always literally be true. This is followed by the “; operator” which is useful toconcatenating/chaining commands in Linux/U...
echo "infinite loops [ hit CTRL+C to stop]" done 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conditional while loop exit with break statement You can do early exit with the break statement inside the whil loop. You can exit from within a WHILE using break. General break statement inside the while loop is as ...
In cases like this, where there are multiple reasons to end the loop, it is often cleaner tobreakout from several different locations, rather than try to specify all the termination conditions in the loop header. Infinite loops can be very useful. Just remember that you must ensure the loop...
Linux系统中的shell编程——循环语句 Linux系统中的shell编程——循环语句 一.for循环语句 1.for循环的3种基本格式 例1:Shell脚本计算1-100奇数和 2.跳出循环 循环体: do...done之间的内容 continue:继续;表示循环体内下面的代码不执行,重新开始下一次循环 break:打断;马上停止执行本次循环,执行循环体后...fla...
whileTrue:print("This is an infinite loop!") 在实际编程中,我们可能会在无限循环中加入某个条件来实现根据需要退出循环的逻辑 whileTrue: user_input =input("Enter 'exit' to end the loop: ")ifuser_input.lower() =='exit':breakelse:print("You entered:", user_input) ...
Here is a sample shell code to calculate factorial using while loop: #!/bin/bashcounter=$1factorial=1while[$counter-gt0]dofactorial=$(($factorial*$counter))counter=$(($counter-1))doneecho$factorial To run just type: $ chmod +x script.sh ...
shell脚本之case-for-while-until语句 一、case多分支语句 1.1、case语句的结构 针对变量的不同取值,分别执行不同的命令序列 if语句需要判断多个不同的条件 case语句指示判断一个变量的不同取值 1.2、case语句-实例 1、 输入一个字符判断输入的内容 2、用case语句输入成绩分区 成绩0-100分 0-59分:不及格 60-74...
But you can also use PowerShell’s built-in variables, such as $true and $false, to create a While loop. The syntax below executes until $true is no longer $true. In other words, the loop runs forever. But you must always include a way to break out of an infinite loop. Otherwise...