可以查漏:读入的是负数或者0时,也需要被考虑。所以用if...else if...else处理多分支的情况。用数学Math.abs() 绝对值函数可以将正、负数的情况合并,那么上面的程序结构可以简化为两个分支,用if...else即可。 完整代码 Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); int num = in.nextInt(); int count = 0;...
n, term, pi_estimate = 1, 1.0, 0.0 while abs(term) > precision:pi_estimate += term n += 1 term = ((-1) ** (n + 1)) / (2 * n - 1)pi_estimate *= 4.0 return pi_estimate, n pi, terms = calculate_pi()print(f'π的近似值为: {pi} ,总共使用了 {term...
while abs(x0 - x1) > alpha x1 = x0 - (x0^2 - c) / (2 * a); x0 = x1; end % 输出结果 disp(x1); ``` 实例2:计算 1 到 100 之间所有偶数的和 我们可以通过Do While 循环来计算 1 到 100 之间所有偶数的和。具体步骤如下: ```matlab sum = 0; i = 1; while i <= 100 ...
end 满足条件,跳出本次循环2 if FH<-G A7=A;continue;%返回到A=A5-0.618*(A5-A7);end if abs(FH)<G disp([Z,A*180/pi]);%结束一次,将所要高度与对应角度打出 A5=A;%为减少计算次数,将A赋值给A5 break%跳出 while 所有循环 end break 位置不对 break%跳出所有循环 end end ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook AWS (redirected fromAbsorb While Scan) AcronymDefinition AWSAmazon Web Services AWSAmerican Welding Society AWSAdvanced Warning System AWSAutomatic Weather Station ...
c++中while的用法如下:while(条件) {} 当条件为假时结束循环。如while(0){}。 { }里的命令不执行结束循环;do {} while() 当条件为假时结束循环。 但d0 {} while(0) 先执行一次在结束
ABS (number2 ) //绝对值 BIN (decimal_number ) //十进制转二进制 CEILING (number2 ) //向上取整 CONV(number2,from_base,to_base) //进制转换 FLOOR (number2 ) //向下取整 FORMAT (number,decimal_places ) //保留小数位数 HEX (DecimalNumber ) //转十六进制 ...
The study is conducted in partnership between the Department of Social Services (DSS), the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The findings and views reported in this paper are those of the author and should not be attributed to DSS, ...