以下是ABAP中WHILE循环的基本用法: ``` WHILE condition. " Code to execute ENDWHILE. ``` 以下是一些关于ABAP中WHILE循环的拓展内容: 1.初始化和更新变量:在WHILE循环开始之前,通常需要初始化一个计数器或其他变量,并在循环体内对其进行更新。这样可以确保在循环执行期间变量的正确状态。 例如,以下代码使用WHILE...
if chk_oprt ='X'. case oprt. when'+'. opr_desc='Addition'. when'-'. opr_desc='Subtraction'. when'*'. opr_desc='Multification'. when'/'. opr_desc='Division'. endcase. write:/'Operater:',oprt,/'Operation description:', opr_desc. endif....
以下是一个简单的ABAP `WHILE`循环的示例: ```abap DATA counter TYPE i VALUE 1. WHILE counter <= 5. WRITE: / 'Iteration:', counter. counter = counter + 1. ENDWHILE. ``` 在这个示例中: - `DATA counter TYPE i VALUE 1.`声明了一个整数类型的变量`counter`,并初始化为1。 - `WHILE ...
在 ABAP 程序中主要有四种类型的循环,它们是:带有 DO 语句的循环(主要用于无条件循环)。带 WHILE 语句的循环(主要用于条件循环)。用 LOOP 语句进行循环(在内表中循环)。用 SELECT 语句进行循环(循环浏览数据库数据)。 DO 循环DO 语句用于创建无条件的循环。DO [<n> TIMES] [VARYING ... DO和WHILE语句用于...
abap help 里有啊.使用 WHILE 的条件循环 如果只要条 件为真,就 不止一次执 行语句,可 以如下使用 WHILE 语句编程:语法 WHILE <condition> [VARY <f> FROM <f1> NEXT <f2>].<statement block> ENDWHILE.只要 <condition> 是真,或系 统发现 EXIT、 STOP 或 REJECT 语句,系统 将继续...
Title_1 = 'ABAP'. Title_2 = 'Programming'. CASE Title_2. WHEN 'ABAP'. Write 'This is not the title'. WHEN 'Tutorials'. Write 'This is not the title'. WHEN 'Limited'. Write 'This is not the title'. WHEN 'Programming'.
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Im uploading excel file it doc_Date pstng date, baseline date . when I am passing the date format 26.02.2021 in excel. it's shows up error : " enter the data in yyyy.mm.dd format. " how to upload the date format dd.mm.yyyy. here the bapi str...
I have installed SAP NW ABAP Trail Version 7.01 and after successful installation, when I click SAPGUI Logon window, It shows the error in the dialog box. describe the error below.: partner '' not reached Connection Refused Do you want to see the detail error description...
i have some problems concerning my web dynpro abap configurations in the system. When i start an application the browser appears and displays the http 500 internal server error. The required icf nodes are activated, as far as i know. the following properties are set: hostname: aet port: 800...
一个ABAP 开发的新浪微博语义情感分析工具 METHODS: analyzeIMPORTINGiv_company_name TYPE string iv_text TYPE string EXPORTING ev_result TYPE string METHODS: send FOR EVENT FUNCTION_SELECTED OF CL_GUI_TOOLBARimporting! FCODE, displayIMPORTINGiv_text TYPE string, constructorIMPORTINGmr_editor->get_text_...