clear n=input('输入成绩n=');m=60;while 1 if n>m && n<=100 fprintf('及格\n');elseif n<m && n>0 fprintf('不及格\n');else break;end n=input('输入成绩n=');end 我猜楼主是想实现这样的功能吧,while死循环是ctrl+c就可以退出来 这样可以么?
I had studied Python but I have no idea how to enter variable and set up a loop in Matlab. I need it for my final project. Please help me out. This is problem: Each team needs to turn in a report that contains a description of your strategy/algorithm along with a MATLAB script...
参考代码:clcclear allclose alln = 1;diff = 1;counter = 1;%-- 附加的变量,用于观察中间量变化 --%diffm = [];nm = [];diffm(1) = diff;nm(1) = n;%---%while(diff>1e-6) n = n + 1; counter = counter + 1; diff = 1/n - 1/(n+1); diffm(n...
1、不建议在if里面给变量赋值。if lambda1(m,1)>=0&&lambda1(m,1)<=1lambda2=lambda1(m,1);end 如果if不成立,lamda2将不存在。2、很多人会想当然的说if肯定成立啊,等等理由 建议对if是真正成立进行验证。比如:if lambda1(m,1)>=0&&lambda1(m,1)<=1lambda2=lambda1(m,1);disp(l...
MATLAB循环结构:while语句P69范数待编 while语句的一般格式为: while条件 循环体语句 end 从键盘输入若干个数,当输入0时结束输入,求这些数的平均值和它们的和。 程序如下: sum=0; n=0; x=input('输入一个数字(end in 0):');whilex~=0sum=sum+x;...
n=length(a);mysum=0;m2=0;m3=0;m4=0;k=1;for i=1:n mysum=mysum+a(i);m2=m2+a(i)^2;end x=mysum/n d=sqrt( (9*m2-mysum^2)/(9*(9-1)) )while k<=n m3=m3+a(k);m4=m4+a(k)^2;k=k+1;end y=m3/n d1=sqrt( (9*m4-m3^2)/(9*(9-1)) )mean=...
if diff > 1e-6 n = n+1; dn = 1/(n-1) - 1/n; diff = 1 /(n-1) - 1 /(n+1); An = [An;n]; endendn % n such that ∆n first falls below 1e-6% An % all the values of n ...
Starting from MATLAB R2019a, Polyspace products have become independent from MATLAB. Hence, the absence of information related to Polyspace in MATLAB Installer. To install Polyspace for R2019a and later versions, follow the step-by-step guide below: ...
The code implementing the while loop is in the ex_while_loop_ML_step function in ex_while_loop_ML.c: /* Model step function */ void ex_while_loop_ML_step(void) { int32_T num_iter; boolean_T flag; boolean_T func_flag_0; /* MATLAB Function: '<Root>/MATLAB Function' */ func_...
1 링크 번역 편집:Walter Roberson2017년 1월 23일 You can use playblocking() instead of play(). You might also want to consider setting up the second operation as the StopFcn property of the audioplayer object, in which case you could still use play() ...