A. Everyone in the family seems happy with the vacation plans. B. The Society of Women Voters seems to be having a banquet on September 19th. C. Many of the people attending the tri How to use which in a sentence What is a synonym for very happy? What is the ...
Hardiness is another synonym for, a personality quality that helps people to lessen the impacts of stress while accomplishing something, is another name for buoyancy (Hiver & Dörnyei, 2017). Similarly, coping is another phrase that may be used interchangeably with buoyancy to describe strategies ...
What is the synonym of nuances? hint,subtlety, gradation, nicety, refinement, distinction, implication, degree, shade, trace, dash, suspicion, suggestion, touch, shadow, tinge, soupçon. What is the synonym of stressful? demanding, trying, exacting, taxing, difficult, hard, tough. fraught, tr...
For premium members, you can use a couple more cool features. These include a Similarity Checker, which compares the similarities between two documents; a Synonymizer, which rewrites your sentences using synonyms to make them one-of-a-kind; plus unlimited use of the plagiarism checker. What I ...