1. 开放性 vs. 限定性:- "What" 通常用于开放性问题,不限定答案的范围,例如询问信息的性质或情况。- "Which" 通常用于限定性问题,需要在多个选项中进行选择,例如在几个选项中做出决定。2. 无需选项 vs. 需要选项:- "What" 后面通常不需要跟选项,因为它不限定答案的范围。- "Which" 后面通常需要提供...
To make it worse, I could have replaced it with "what": I listened to what the teacher told me. One thing to keep in mind is the necessary [that] versus extra [which] information test. Take a look below: Children that are good are a blessing. Children, which are good, are a ...
A trick to remembering when to use which vs. that is that one can throw out the 'whiches' without changing the meaning of the sentence. What is the difference between which and that? 'That' is used to introduce restrictive clauses, while 'which' is used to introduce non-restrictive ...
乐英云教育 2022-12-27 12:42 发表于湖南 ,时长00:54展开 每日外教一分钟,帮您轻松学英语!One minute a day to help you learn English easily!***欢迎关注乐英云教育***乐英云教育同步英美澳英文教育互动学习!大批高素质的专业外教!家长直选私人定制外教!
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1、英文中 Then vs. Than、Which vs. That 使用辨析Then vs. ThanThe n refers to a period of time. Tha n refers to a comparis on.I will meet you the n at the time agreed upon.My cook ing is better tha n my husba nds.Not: Id rather go to work then clean the house. THAN!See...
(1)先行词为that/ those时: What’s that which is under the desk?在桌子底下的那些东西是什么? (2)关系代词前有介词时: This is the cityinwhich he lives.这是他生活的城市。 (3)引导非限制性定语从句: Tom passed the exam, which made us surprised.汤姆通过了考试,这使我们很惊讶。
A. that B. which C. what D. how 这是2017年江苏高考题第26题(点击这里看详解)。简单来说,如果填入what(是正确答案)...$20, half ofwhatit used to charge,则意味着过去收费是40块钱,但若填入which说成...$20,half ofwhichit used to charge,则意味着...
There is a pen on the desk that belongs to Tom.桌子上那支笔是汤姆的。 二、只用which,而不用that的情况: (1)先行词为that/ those时: What’s that which is under the desk?在桌子底下的那些东西是什么? (2)关系代词前有介词时: This is the city in which he lives.这是他生活的城市。
Depending on what you’re trying to say, you may use either word! If there are multiple gyms five minutes from your house, you would usethatto specify the one with the racquetball courts. However, if there is only one gym five minutes from your house, the clause is non-restrictive, and...