that it was determined solely by the quest for labor 法国当局、阿尔及利亚的社会和移民在炮制串通了允许全部三辩解对他们自己成千上万艰苦跋涉农民从Maghrib到六角形的一句三倍谎言: 那迁移是临时和瞬间的,那它单一地取决于对劳方的搜寻 (“我来这里工作,因此我在工作淹没自己”,吟诵Kabyle工厂工人),并且那它...
We would sit down and learn some Du’as (Supplications) in the training camp between Maghrib and ‘Ishaa’ and there was one particular Du’a that he liked very much and so he asked me to write it down for him in both Arabic and English and so I did so. This Du’a was one that...