在线网课学习课堂《医学英语(EMP)( 安徽医科大)》单元测试考核答案.docx,注:不含主观题 第1题 单选题 (1分) Which suffix means make an incision or cut into? A -stomyB -opsyC -tomyD -scopy 第2题 单选题 (1分) What does the suffix in neuralgia mean? A painB flow
Connect hydrophilicity with the word philanthropy (love of humankind); both share the root "phil" which means love or affinity towards. 6 Recall that hydrophilicity contains "philic," a suffix meaning 'loving' which is also used in other terms like 'philosophy' (love of wisdom). ...
The suffix "-n" in "known" signals the past participle form, similar to "flown" or "shown". 8 Remember that "known" has a silent "k" just like "knot" and "knee". 7 Think of "know" and simply add an "n" at the end for the past participle. 7 "Known" rhymes with "own," ...
I don’t think anyone ever intentionally means to say the wrong thing. Honestly, I don’t think most staff members in these facilities realize the impact that their comments can have when every emotion we have is running at full tilt. These unintentional slips happened much more often before ...
namespace SugarCpp::AstNode::Expr class ExprBin Left, Right : Expr Op : stringnamespace SugarCpp { namespace AstNode { namespace Expr { class ExprBin { Expr Left, Right; string Op; }; } } }Typedeftype u_int32 = uintusing u_int32 = unsigned int;...
Resultsofbloodssugar. C Interviewofyourhealthhistory. D X-rayreportsforyourchest. 正确答案:D 第10题 j) Asforthetreatmentmethod,ifapatientover30yearsoldthedoctorwouldsuggestthepatienttotake___asaspecialmeanstopreventthelesionstobloodvessels. A alow-doseaspirineachday B medicinesforcomplications ...