With the right card, you could earn rewards on your most frequent purchases or perks at your favorite stores. For example, someone who drives often might exclusively use a gas rewards credit card every time they fill their tank. Because fuel costs are already part of their budget, they can...
This is the term for identity systems that rely on identity attributes a user stores on a mobile device and that use distributed ledger technology to verify possession of those attributes. Currently, proposals for integration of these systems with established, standard identity protocols, is ongoing,...
It is a great place for an “everyday” sushi restaurant, and easily good enough (and affordable enough compared to some of Orlando’s Michelin-affiliated darlings) that you can splurge there too. I’m going to keep returning, and I hope to run into some readers there as I become a ...
As the popularity and accessibility of computer networks continue to increase, it has become common for retail merchants to set up online “stores” for marketing and selling products. Typically, an online store includes a web-based or other electronic catalog of products that are available for pu...
PURPOSE: A method for displaying affiliated stores of a mobile phone is provided to easily find out stores wanted by a user. CONSTITUTION: A user requests a list of stores located in a nearby area and other information on a mobile phone capable of a mobile commerce service(S1). The mobile...
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...
Google will identify you and confirm your identity to our website. When you sign in with Google, we may be able to use certain information in your account to complete your profile with us. You decide whether you want this information to be used and if so, which information it is, ...