答案:正确 手机看题 不定项选择 A marketer who has unit costs of20. A.错误 B.正确 点击查看答案手机看题 单项选择题 牛顿冷却公式是: A、 B、 C、 D、 点击查看答案手机看题 单项选择题 一般来说,评价抽样方案设计最主要的标准是()。 A.样本量大小 ...
52 Use the following examples and discuss the similarities and differences between English and Chinese metaphors about ideas. (Examples:精神财富;旧思想死灰复燃;That idea won't sell; He has a wealth of ideas.) 点击查看答案解析 ↓↓↓2022年全国自学考试相关推荐↓↓↓ 2022自考 报考指南 2022自考 备...
The tone also determines how the text makes the reader feel about that topic while reading the text. It helps the reader understand why the writer is writing what he is writing. Hence, the writer must set the tone accordingly. Some examples of tone are sarcastic, cheerful, ironic, outraged,...
Maybe I’m getting a bit carried away with my metaphors, but the point I’m trying to make is that often art is reactionary. What use is rebellion without something to rebel against? And so it came to be that Tres Coronas, one of the edgiest bands out there, was born in a stuffy...
某企业拟进行一项存在一定风险的完整工业项目投资,有甲、乙两个方案可供选择:己知甲方案净现值的期望值为1000万元,标准离差为300万元;乙方案净现值的期望值为1200万元,标准离差为330万元。下列结论中正确的是( )
Which of the following statements about the author-narrator relationship is true? A、The narrator is a character who tells the author’s story. B、The narrator shares the author’s viewpoint. C、The author and the narrator are actually the same person. D、The author is not the same as th...
"Spirit"comes from the Latin word"to breathe".What we breathe is ai,which is certainly matte,however thin.Despite usage to the contrar,there is no necessary implication in the word"spiritual"that we are talking of anything other than matter(ncluding the matter of which the brain is mad),...
Which of the following is not a result of the MBTI? a) IMTP. b) ESTJ. c) INTP. d) ENFP. Which of the following statements accurately reflects the conclusions about the trait theories of leadership? A) Traits were better predictors of leadership 20 years ...
WhichtwostatementsarereservedwordsinJava?() A.Run B.Import C.Default D.Implement 点击查看答案 第3题 Cars are very popular in America.When the kids are fourteen years old. They dream of having their own ___21___. Many students work after school to buy a car. In most places young peopl...
If you attempt to absolutize the Proverbs, you will find that many of these statements are not always true, namely they admit exceptions. Exceptions however do not disprove the general rules. A wise man will make good generalizations about the world, but will realize ...