Benign giant-cell tumors; a report of 7 cases in which the bones of the hands and feet were involved.Bone and BonesNeoplasmsMEYERDING HW, JACKSON AE.doi:10.1016/S0039-6109(16)33099-7Henry W. MeyerdingAlfred E. JacksonSurg Clin North AmSurgical Clinics of North America...
Which of the following is a normal human woman? A) XXX B) XXY C) XY D) XX Sex Chromosomes: The sex chromosomes describe a pair of homologous chromosomes in the human genome that determine the biological sex of an individual. Each person gets one sex chromosome fro...
Customer Service Hotline: 3187 5100 Fax: 3906 9906 SMART DOMESTIC HELPER INSURANCE PLAN POLICY Whereas the Policyholder by a proposal and declaration which shall be the basis of this contract and is deemed to be incorporated herein has applied to BANK OF CHINA GROUP INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (...
benign pro- cesses remains the demonstration of an unequivocal invasive growth by atypical mesothelial cells—a feature that cannot be assessed in effusion cytology.24–26 Therefore, it is controversial whether cytological analysis of effusions can be used to make a diagnosis of mesothelioma even in...
Malignant ovarian tumors which were diagnosed benign ovarian cysts before laparoscopic surgery腹腔鏡下 手術の手技 お よび使用機械の開発 改 良はめざま しい進歩 をとげてお り,その適応は婦 人科 良性疾患 のほぼすべてが対 象 となって いる. 良性卵巣嚢腫 に対す る腹腔鏡下手術 は手術侵襲...
Hemangiomas are common tumors which are qualified as benign lesions as there is proliferation of dilated blood vessels. These are present at birth & gradually increased in size & by puberty involutes but few lesions persist. These lesions are clinic...
Utilizing the proper imaging modality and intravenous contrast agents can help better characterize them and minimize unnecessary workup of these lesions. Benign hepatic lesions are classified according to their cell of origin. This article discusses common and uncommon benign hepatic tumors, their ...
By labeling the imprinted gene in situ, changes in the imprinted gene can be objectively, intuitively, and precisely detected at an early stage. Moreover, a quantitative model is provided. Thus, the disclosure contributes greatly to the diagnosis of lung tumors.Tong ChengNing Zhou...
C.K., SteelmanS.V., OskoueiJ.D., ReithT.A., OlsonB.M., Shehata
Salivary gland tumors are a diverse group of lesions, with various origins and extremely different behaviors, leading to a variety of outcomes for patients. Therefore, the need to discover novel markers with the ability to predict the behavior of benign and malignant salivary gland neoplasms is ...