Giant spider What’s in your cauldron’s witch’s brew?(Required) Lavender Blood Pumpkin ale Eye of newt Bundle of herbs Clove Herbal tea Bat wing What’s your Halloween beverage?(Required) Orange spice tea Bloody Mary Pumpkin stout
None of these / I don't game 4/15 Which superhero do you admire the most? Batman Black Panther Spider-Man Captain Marvel 5/15 Apart from YouTube, what other apps do you like? Instagram TikTok My music app! My audiobook app 6/15 What are your favourite games righ...
Slytherin 8/10 Pick a time of day 7am 11am 3pm 9pm 9/10 Choose a British garden bird Robin Pigeon Wren Chaffinch 10/10 Choose a prank Toy spider in shoes Bucket of water on top of the door Whoopee cushion on a chair Fake soap that turns you blue More...
If you don't think that you act your age, do a how old am i quiz. This who am i guessing game will help you learn more about yourself! Fun tests and quizzes The best "personality test" is the one that was designed just for fun. And this Which One Are You - Know Yourself ...
1. In my opinion, The Amazing Spider-Man, which played a few weeks ago, is the worst chapter in Spider-Man movie history. 2. The Spider-Man movie that starred Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker and that just played a few weeks ago is the worst movie in Spider-Man movie history. The se...
What is GotoQuiz? A fun site without pop-ups, no account needed, no app required, just quizzes that you can create and share with your friends. Have a look around and see what we're about.Quiz topic: Which Avatar: The Last Airbender Character am I?Trending...
But, to quote Spider-Man's wise uncle, with great power comes great responsibility, and that takes us to the cons of self-publishing — or rather, the pros of traditional publishing. 4 reasons to publish traditionally Here are some of the things that traditional publishing offers that you si...
A spider. A scorpion. A bee. 6. What’s your order at the Weathervane café? A matcha latte. Do they serve wine? I could use a drink. Hot cocoa with extra marshmallows. A quad (4 shots of espresso). 7. What season best represents you?
amclean17 4 years ago Spider-Man: Homecoming You should watch "Spider-Man: Homecoming!" Like you, this film feels fresh, new, and trendy! It's Holland's debut as Spider-Man and, just like you, he is smart and witty! This is film is great choice for ...
For example, a story that includes both Spider-Man and Harry Potter would be a crossover. Y/N: A genre of fanfiction that allows readers to stick themselves into a fanfiction alongside their favorite characters. “Y/N” stands for “your name,” and the reader is expected to read their...