Life began on Earth approximately 3.8 billion years ago, and in that span of time countless species have come and gone. Extinct species, as sad as it sounds, ...
By contrast, some scholars have argued that the magical purpose of the paintings was not to facilitate the destruction of bison and other species. Instead, they believe prehistoric painters created animal images to assure the survival of the herds. Paleolithic peoples depended on for their food sup...
Which of the following is not correct? a. Paleolithic humans were nomadic hunter-gatherers who foraged for food. b. The cultivation of crops first began in the Fertile Crescent of the modern Middle East. c. The earliest humans (including our own species, ...
Today, three quarters of threatened bird species depend on forests as their principal habitat; each year, however, some 13,000,000 hectares of forests are destroyed, an area the size of Greece. Nearly half the woodlands lost are relatively undisturbed primary forests that are home to a number...