So . . . they that are in old Adam are old creatures; and are in their old things, old ways, old worships, and old religions, and have the old garments, and the old bottles, that hold the old wine, and cannot endure the new; and have the old, rusty, moth-eaten treasure. And...
Monarch Mind Control is a form of mind control which creates a mind control slave by utilizing the human brain’s trauma response of dissociation to create a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) wherein various triggers can cause the slave personality to surface and respond to commands ...
mind and soul. You MUST leave. Others may thrive there, but it is literally killing you, cutting years off your life while prolonging colds and other illnesses. The struggle to "fit in" and to "contribute" (through grit teeth), is deadly wrong. ...
religions reflecting refers referring rebel ratios ranged rail pseudo proportions pronounced productivity proceedings proceed privilege printing print predicted portrait pole pockets plainly pierre phrases photograph partnership parlor par oxford overnight overhead officially objection nut neglected murmured morale ...