I put the ESP32 on an oscilloscope to make sure the RMT was doing what I wanted it to do. It seems to be! But this is more of a logic analyser task, so I pulled that out. The waveform looked exactly as I expected, so I tested it out with an IR LED. And it didn’t work ...
Sometime in the middle of this journey, I hooked up the LA to a little 315MHz receiver module and triggered my garage door remote. I won’t be posting the waveforms here, but minor modifications to my Python script and code worked out of the box to clone the remote. That whole process...
1) Is there any way to detect which of the two Bluetooth port is the correct one to use and if so, please give me an example.2) If not, how do I prevent my app from hanging if a user tries to use the wrong port?Thanks,
(or the surface side of the fluid contacting surface) of the sensor part1as shown in FIG. 2 and FIG. 3. When this happens, some of the heat quantity contained with the gas G is given to the corrosion-resistant metal substrate2, thus resulting in that the temperature distribution Tt of...
There is nothing else we can use in the timer. The timer internal count reset happens automatically when the timer is stopped or enabled = false. The only diff between enable and stop is enable can be used to see if the timer is running too....
I put the ESP32 on an oscilloscope to make sure the RMT was doing what I wanted it to do. It seems to be! But this is more of a logic analyser task, so I pulled that out. The waveform looked exactly as I expected, so I tested it out with an IR LED. ...