7、如果先行词作介词的宾语,先行词指人,介词提前的结构是:介词+whom;先行词指物,介词提前的结构是:介词+which: President Wilson,with whom he had not the same intimate relations,is treated much less sympathetically.(威尔逊总统与他没有同样的亲密关系,所以就没有被很同情地对待.) The Second World War,...
The President at the time the Panic of 1837 began was Martin Van Buren. He had only just become the President, and so it was unfair to credit him. Of...
President Wilson,with whom he had not the same intimate relations,is treated much less sympathetically.(威尔逊总统与他没有同样的亲密关系,所以就没有被很同情地对待。) 希望有所帮助! 版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程:《新托福高级语法【随到随学班】》的学员和老师,如果想了解更多,可以报名参加课程学习。所有...
It was all because of the hard work of Ann a Jarvis. She wrote so many letters to important people of that time because she wanted to have a day to show love and respect to mothers. In1914, the American President Woodrow Wilson made the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day.1、2题...
Ohio – both of which claim William Henry Harrison – fighting for the title of "Mother of Presidents". Overall, the East Coast has been home to the most presidential births, though all four major U.S. regions – the East, West, South and Midwest – can claim at least one president....
What did president Woodrow Wilson do in WWI? Which president was born in Indiana? Who was the last Whig president? Which president of the United States resigned in 1974? Who was the first president to have his inauguration photographed?
Since the Supreme Court was established in 1789, presidents have submitted 163 justice nominations, and of those, 126 were confirmed by the U.S. Senate. When looking at justices who sat on the bench of the Supreme Court, President George Washington and President Franklin D. Roosevelt had the...
aAnd when I awoke in the morning,I saw the way 43 ‘You can’t do that,it is 45 ’I was well on my way to achieving what I wanted,”As Woodrow Wilson,28th President of the U.S.,said:“We grow great by dreams.All big men are , my dreams real.White 44 people were saying, ...
it was to be fore seen that President Wilson would have no easy time with his plans for a Nations in which the United States of America were to play an immediate and most important role.Here we should remember a point, rarely stressed by our historians, that Woodrow Wilson, 以成千上万我...
she would only permit an acknowledgment that Wilson badly needed rest and would be working from his bedroom suite. During the evening of March 4, Major General John Thomas, read more. The problem seemed to be her devotion to the President. I have written three books, and they were translate...