Though the film is choppy and contains several stories, the LGBTQ+ story is one of the few in the genre that represents a satisfying and hopeful ending. Later, and admittedly, more defined films, like Brokeback Mountain (2006) and Boy’s Don’t Cry (1999), were harsher and more realistic...
“I think that there’s two Transformers. One of them is a Transformer that Brian Tyree Henry talks about a lot named Ratchet, which I think is funny given what Ratchet means now in this day and age,” Key said. “But then also, you know who...
(my first one cost less than $5k NEW). All this together means the Rocket 3 is what they call a “halo model” — high price, extraordinary levels of charisma, and low sales, like the Viper your local Dodge guy had for a while. A dealer gets a couple to showcase on the floor, ...
those creatives really nailed that one.)(Oh, that was sarcastic, in case you didn’t get my tone.) And SnackCrate is somehow the answer. Of course they never show you what the product is. I assume it’s food. Or munchies for
One of the most intriguing nanotubular system developed with cyclic peptides have been recently reported by Danial, Catrouillet et al. They combined self-assembling cyclic peptides with a pH-responsive polymer [34,35], creating pH-sensitive materials which can be used in pharmaceutical applications...