in Spanish|in French|English synonyms|English Collocations|English Usage|Conjugator|in context|images We could not find the full phrase you were looking for. The entry for "which" is displayed below. Also see:for|rea WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2025 ...
18.What *** a teacher want the students to do when he/she asks them to find the word of similar meaning to“germinate" in a paragraph? A.To deduce meaning from the context. B.To analyze *** meaning by using syntax. C.To identify new words by using synonyms. ...
Synonyms for similar Alike Almost identical Close Comparable Equivalent Much the same Near Related Examples of how to use similar in a sentence The two dresses are similar in style and color. The new restaurant is similar to the one we visited last week. Her paintings are similar in their use...
The cupcakes, all of which are gluten-free, are in the glass case. 这些小蛋糕全都不含麸质,搁在玻璃盒里。 all of whichn(everything mentioned)SCSimplified Chinese所有这些 TCTraditional Chinese所有這些 Greg stole his sister's purse and lied to his parents about it; all of which goes to sho...
Define which. which synonyms, which pronunciation, which translation, English dictionary definition of which. an interrogative pronoun, used in questions about alternatives: Which dessert would you like? Not to be confused with: witch – a female thought
You should use ', which is the'. These phrases are often confused because they sound the same. Some synonyms ofwitchare: crone, enchantress, sorceress, mage. Some synonyms ofwhichare: whichever, that. Never confuse witch and which again. Install ourfree grammar checker browser extension. ...
Malignantwas first recorded in English around 1535–45, and it originates from the Latin wordmalignāre(“to act maliciously”).Synonyms formalignantincludespiteful,malevolent,perilous,hurtful, andpernicious. Go Behind The Words! Get the fascinating stories of your favorite words in your inbox. ...
If you find yourself using “grateful” repetitively, try replacing it with one of these synonyms: Appreciative: We are so appreciative of your efforts. Thankful: We are so thankful for your efforts. Obliged: We are very much obliged to you for your efforts. Blessed: We are blessed by ...
of two words that, because they are synonyms, associated terms, or even contraries, complement each other to evoke one single idea. Used metaphorically, the juxtaposed terms connote specific or essential traits of the being they refer to, introducing a mode of poetry as an almost habitual form...
These three terms are very close and can be used as synonyms. 多业务网络是一个能够提供一组丰富的服务相结合的电话和数据服务的通用网络;例如,提供统一消息服务将电子邮件、语音、传真、寻呼业务。 信息通信网络是一个深刻的相互渗透的当代网络的两个主要组成部分。这些都是信息(以计算机为基础的)和电信组件。