To determine which of the following is a natural polymer, we need to analyze the options provided and identify their origins. 1. Understanding Natural vs. Synthetic Polymers: - Natural polymers are those that occur in nature and can be extracted from natural sources, such as plants and animal...
Which of the following materials is a polymer? A、silicon dioxide B、silicon carbide C、silicon nitride D、polyethylene 点击查看答案进入小程序搜题 你可能喜欢 设计师搭配织物布艺时,应注意与环境因素的搭配,需要把握( )原则。 A、色彩基调要统一 B、尺寸大小要适宜 C、布料材质需对比 D、风格款式要呼应...
与此同时,农业生产的影响也难辞其咎,农业生产过程中,粪便降解会释放氨,化肥与硫酸和硝酸结合成硫酸铵和硝酸铵释放到空气中形成PM2.5,这些污染物每年可导致约90万人死亡。此外,发电、工业和交通也能产生臭氧和PM2.5,这些都是重要的大气污染物。 这段文字意在说明:
Which of the following is (are) not required for DNA replication to occur? a. DNA polymerase b. nucleotides c. primers d. All are required. DNA Replication: All DNA must be able to replicate so that it can be divided equally i...
a可燃气体传感器的工作原理是基于可燃气体在材料表面的吸附和紧随着的表面反应过程所引起的电导变化. The electric conductance change in the material surface adsorption which the flammable gas sensor principle of work is and is following closely the surface reaction process causes based on the flammable gas...
Nucleotides are organic molecules that are the monomers of nucleic acids like RNA molecules. Nucleotides may bind together through phosphodiester bonds and all consist of three basic parts.Answer and Explanation: All of the following are components ...
A is the correct option.Note:Both PVC and polythene are used in a wide range of products including plastic consumer goods like containers, rain covers, plastic bags, water pipes, etc. Polythene is further classified on the basis of the density of its different forms like L...
A polymer is a combination of two or more distinct materials, each of which retains its own distinctive properties, to create a new material with properties that cannot be achieved by any single component.
Digital printing, at a position corresponding to the printing, the printing ink particles are applied in the electric field on the printing surface formed of a polymer coating, the printing ink is adhered to the printing surface by fusion with the aid of infrared radiation. In accordance with ...