However, from 1978 through 1982, productivity—the value of goods manufactured divided by the amount of labor input—did not improve; and while the results were better in the business upturn of the three years following, they ran 25 percent lower than productivity improvements during earlier, ...
(3)Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a lesson or skill that family can teach us? DA.Honesty.B.Responsibility.C.Cooperation.D.Competition.(4)How does the author support his conclusion in the last paragraph? BA.By restating his opinion.B.By giving examples.C....
Sometimes if we say something infrequently it assumes more importance; sometimes the more we say something the less importance it assumes.According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is the most adequate for the two couples" example A.Different orderings brought about distinct outcomes.B....
Which of the following is the ri ght enti tled to American businessman, according to the passage? A. To monopolize the market. B. To have freedom in contracting with other people. C. To undersell his competitors. D. To invest in any country. 课后练习答案 A. Answer the following ...
For the first time since 1938, hundreds of farmers are planting this crop, and soon we can expect to see pulp and paper produced from this new source.Which of the following is a reason for the legalization of the hemp plant A.Both the hemp and the marijuana plant are healthy for people...
A. It encourages the modernization of existing manufacturing facilities. B. It promotes healthy competition between rival indutries. C. It encourages the growth of related industries. D. It takes full advantage of the E. xisting workforce.E.It does not advantage one local workforce at the expens...
Which of the following statements regarding a price-taking firm is correct? a) Demand {eq}= {/eq} price {eq}= {/eq} average revenue {eq}= {/eq} marginal revenue. b) Demand {eq}= {/eq} average revenue {eq}> {/eq} marginal revenue. ...
甲公司经常派业务员乙与丙公司订立合同。乙调离后,又持盖有甲公司公章的合同书与尚不知其已调离的丙公司订立一份合同,并按照通常做法提走货款,后逃匿。对此甲公司并不知情。丙公司要求甲公司履行合同,甲公司认为该合同与己无关,予以拒绝。下列选项哪一个是正确的 It...
某商店举行“优惠酬宾〞活动,规定如下: ①如果一次购物不超过200元,那么不打折扣; ②如果一次购物超过200元但不超过500元的,按标价给予九折优惠; ③如果一次购物超过500元的,其中500元按②中的规定给予优惠,超过500元的局部那么给予八折优惠. 小王两次去购物,分别付款l68元和423元,如果他只去一次购置同样的商品,...
【小题2】Which of the following contributes to the accuracy of the study? A.The participants were all employed men. B.The participants tend to bottle up their temper. C.The participants should not have risk behaviors. D.The participants had not a history of heart attacks. ...