(一)[] 家乐福成立于1959年,是大卖场业态的首创者,是欧洲第一大零售商,世界第二大国家化[] 零售连锁集团。现拥有11000多家营运零售单位,业务范围遍及世界30个国家和地区。作为零售业中的巨头,其成功是建立在利用信息技术整合优势资源的基础之上。家乐福能够利用其先进的卫星通讯网络及时获取商品及市场信息,快速...
解析 B Rationale: All these groups have a legitimate stake in the enterprise: the government, as a regulator; employees, as participants in the business; and environmental pressure group and local residents, because of potential impacts.Pitfalls: Don't forget external stakeholders!
Which of the following groups may be considered to be stakeholders in the activities of a nuclear power station?(i)The government(ii)Environmental pressure groups(iii)Employees(iv)Local residents? (i),; (ii),; (iii) and (iv)(i) and; (iii) only(iii) only(i),; (iii) and; (iv)...
新修订的《伤残抚恤管理办法》规定,县级人民政府退役军人事务部门经审查认为申请人符合因战因公负伤条件的,在报经设区的市级人民政府以上退役军人事务部门审核同意后,应当填写《残疾等级评定审批表》,并在受理之日起( )内,签发《受理通知书》并告知本人有关医学鉴定相关事宜。
Answer and Explanation: The answer is theD) Economy. Stakeholders are all the entities and societies that are under the influence of a specific organization or influence it...
Which of the following is not considered a traditional stakeholder? a. suppliers b. employees c. customers d. competitors Stakeholders Analysis: Stakeholders analysis entails analysis of the impacts of decisions on various groups that influence business operations....
根据第四段中的“For the first time the forum has brought together high-level regulators,academics,and industry stakeholders to talk about their respective roles in safety supervision.”可知,该论坛首次将高层监管人员、学者和行业利益相关者聚集在一起,讨论他们在安全监管中的各自角色。因为这是第一次,所以...
Stakeholders are often categorised as external, connected and internal. Which TWO of the following are examples of connected stakeholders? A. An executive director B. A shareholder C. A supplier D. A pressure group 相关知识点: 试题来源: ...
《国务院办公厅关于扩大政务服务“跨省通办”范围进一步提升服务效能的意见》(国办发〔2022〕34号)提出,加快推动国务院部门垂直管理业务信息系统、地方各级政府部门业务信息系统与各地区政务服务平台深度对接融合,明确对接标准、对接方式、完成时限等要求,为部门有效协同、业务高效办理提供有力支撑。以下正确的是( )。