Extensor digiti minimi ___. (a) extends the wrist (b) extends the fifth digit (c) innervated by the posterior interosseous nerve (d) located on the dorsal forearm. Which of these muscles is the prime mover of elbow extension? a) deltoid. ...
The Pelvic Girdle: The pelvic girdle, or pelvis, is made up of three fused bones. The largest of these is the ilium, the large flared bone that is the most superior of the three. The ischium is a smaller L-shaped bone the drops...
Medial popliteal nerve supplies all of the following muscles except a) Gastrocnemius b) Plantaris c) Soleus d) Popliteus e) Tibialis posterior The muscle that bends the foot up and extends the toes is called? Which of the following musc...
c) Anterior and posterior compartments. d) Deep & superficial posterior compart Which of the following nerve plexuses innervates all glenohumeral joint muscles? a) Brachial. b) Cervical. c) Lumbar. d) Sacral. Which of the following muscles is...
A) Fibularis longus B) Plantaris D) Gastrocnemius D) Soleus E) Tibialis anterior 1. Which muscle of the erector spinae group is most lateral? 2. Which nerve runs through the quadrangular space? 3. The largest organ of the pelvic cavity is the? Does the lateral...