The world of My Hero Academia has a ton of different characters, from heroes to villains who try to use their quirks for criminal and selfish purposes. Have you ever wondered which character you would be in the My Hero Academia universe and what your background story would be? Take this ...
《我的英雄學院》是由堀越耕平在《周刊少年Jump》連載的漫畫。故事設定在一個新生一代突然開始展現出名為“個性”的特殊能力/特殊體質的世界,而本該只出現在架空故事中的超能力者成為現實的存在,讓整個人類社會陷入變化與動蕩。 樂觀積極、甘于犧牲的綠谷出久;排名No.1的超級英雄歐爾麥特(All Might);擁有絕高戰鬥...
One of the things that makes My Hero Academia so charming is its vibrant and complex cast of characters. The protagonist, Izuku ...
Miscellaneous Heathen All in All. Posted onJanuary 31, 2025 Reply It’s easy to feel like everything is terrible right now, but some things aren’t. This isn’t. This is the 3 surviving members of Nirvana — Grohl, Novoselic, and Smear — reuniting for Fire Aid LA last night, with ...
HUUMonUnsplash Kane ReinholdtsenonUnsplash Jonatan MoermanonUnsplash What do you think? 224 136 66 57 56 38 Deku (my comfort character) and it was so accurate I literally threw my phone I’m not kidding it has a crack in the screen...
Answer wisely, and you might go pro! byAndy Golder BuzzFeed Staff BuzzFeed Quiz Party! Take this quiz with friends in real time and compare results Check it out! Funimation Funimation Funimation Mt. Lady Mt. Lady Via Funimation Eraserhead ...
《我的英雄学院》是由堀越耕平在《周刊少年Jump》连载的漫画。故事设定在一个新生一代突然开始展现出名为“个性”的特殊能力/特殊体质的世界,而本该只出现在架空故事中的超能力者成为现实的存在,让整个人类社会陷入变化与动荡。 乐观积极、甘于牺牲的绿谷出久;排名No.1的超级英雄欧尔麦特;拥有绝高战斗意识和反应速...
Space Hero 13 Space Hero 13Via Funimation Snipe SnipeVia Funimation Funimation The Joker The JokerVia WB Jafar JafarVia Disney Vegeta VegetaVia Funimation Knives KnivesVia Funimation Gaston GastonVia Disney Syndrome SyndromeVia Disney/Pixar Darth Vader Darth VaderVia Disney/Lucasfilm Magneto Magne...
Space Hero 13 Space Hero 13Via Funimation Snipe SnipeVia Funimation Advertisement Funimation The Joker The JokerVia WB Jafar JafarVia Disney Vegeta VegetaVia Funimation Knives KnivesVia Funimation Gaston GastonVia Disney Syndrome SyndromeVia Disney/Pixar Darth Vader Darth VaderVia Disney/...
Answer wisely, and you might go pro! byAndy Golder BuzzFeed Staff BuzzFeed Quiz Party! Take this quiz with friends in real time and compare results Check it out! Funimation Funimation Funimation Mt. Lady Mt. Lady Via Funimation Eraserhead ...