Seeking advice on which multimeter to buy? Visit our site for in-depth info on popular brands and meter reviews, with features, specs, prices and more.
The double integral die analog-to-digital converter and the digital temperature sensor and the digital multimeter which use thatTo provide a double integration type analog/digital converter which is capable of performing accurate A/D conversion without incurring any digital value conversion error. ...
科学家利用我国高海拔宇宙线观测站“拉索”(LHAASO),在天鹅座恒星形成区发现了一个巨型超高能伽马射线泡状结构,并从中找到了能量高于 1亿亿电子伏宇宙线起源的候选天体。这是迄今人类能够确认的第( )个超级宇宙线源。
In a perfect world, everyone would just go out and purchase the best Fluke DVM – digital multimeter for about $400 or so. A nice115 Fluke voltmetercan be had for $160 – $170 (the 115 lacks temperature measurement – not a fatal omission). They have the reputation as the best in th...
bitstream must be fed to the device from external non-volatile memory. One typical use case for a CPLD is to configure an FPGA when a system is booted. However, major chip makers are designing the next generation of FPGAs to have non-volatile memory, eliminating the need for an ex...
One of our visitor Mr. Sanjay Kumar has asked this question to us. He said that he previously used luminous tubular battery for 800 va inverter and it lasts for 31/2 years and now he needs a suggestion from us in choosing the right Tubular battery for his 800 va inverter. ...